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I felt terrible.

I blamed myself for what happened.

I thought I wasn't taking care of you enough.

I just wish younger me didn't blame myself so much.


It was 2 in the morning, and I was wide awake.

I couldn't sleep because I just couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

It made my whole body nervous, and nothing had even happened...

I was just scrolling on my phone, trying to make myself tired, when I started to get a call.

My heart dropped seeing the name.

Why is Mrs. Yang calling me in the middle of the night?...

I quickly answer, my heart beating at a rapid pace.

"Hello?" I ask.

"...Jay..thank god you're awake.." Mrs. Yang said.

I could tell she was crying.

"What happened? Is Jungwon okay?" I ask, sitting up in my bed.

"No... You need to come quickly.. I don't know what happened." She sobs.

"I'll be there immediately." I say.

"Okay..please get here safe." She says, then hangs up.

I jump up from my bed, throwing on some sweatpants and a jacket.

I slip into some random shoes, and quietly but quickly make my way downstairs, grabbing my keys and running out to my car.

My whole body was shaking on the painful 15 minutes to the hospital.

Thankfully there was no traffic since it was 2 am, so I made it to the hospital pretty quick.

I parked in the first spot I could find, jumped out of my car, and ran inside.

I look around and see Mr. Yang in the lobby. I immediately go to him.

"Mr. Yang.!" I say.

"We're so sorry we called you so late Jay." Mr. Yang says.

I could tell he was clearly very stressed.

"It's okay, I couldn't sleep anyway. Is Jungwon okay? What happened?" I ask as Mr. Yang directs me to Jungwon's room.

"I...I don't know. I went to go check on Jungwon, but when I got to his room he was already unconscious..." He says.

We get to Jungwon's room, and Mr. Yang opens the door, letting us inside.

I stepped into the room and I saw Mrs. Yang crying, sitting in the chair next to an unconscious Jungwon, holding his hand.

"Is he okay?" I ask, my voice clearly shaky.

"N-no.." Mrs. Yang croaks.

"He hasn't woken up yet. The doctors already pumped him with fluids and IVs.." Mr. Yang says.

I sigh, combing my fingers through my messy hair.

I sit on the couch next to the window, pull out my phone, and quickly text my mom, telling her where I am so she won't worry.

I looked over to Jungwon.

Again, he was connected to various machines and tubes.

He was a lot paler than before, with a bit of a yellow tint in his skin. His lips were drained of their usual rosy color, and the circles under his eyes were dark.

Oh, Wonnie...what happened to you?...


triple update cause i felt like it...

hope you enjoy

have an amazing day/night and STREAM BITE ME!!!

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