I've become a player....?

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Y/N's POV:

"I-I like you.." Jay says as he blushes and looks away.

You were shocked. You weren't surprised that he liked you, but instead that he admitted it so soon after only meeting only a few day prior. 'Okay Y/N. You can handle this.' You think to yourself as it felt like time froze as you completely lost control of your body. There was a lot of emotions you felt in that moment. You weren't sure if you liked Jay back. There was also the unsaid thing you felt for Cole, but in that moment, you were confused, so you decided to take a risk. You felt yourself lean in and kiss Jay. As you felt his soft lips against yours, you couldn't help but think it was wrong. It in a 'so wrong it felt right' kind of way. In a so wrong it felt wrong, sort of way. You didn't pull away, because you feared that if you did, you'd ruin everything. He sat there shocked for a second before he kissed you back passionately. He tried to deepen the kiss he reached up and cupped your cheek  and tried to pull you onto his lap, but you didn't let him. You both released to take breath of air. "That was... Nice...?" Jay said as he looked at you slightly confused. "Does this mean we are a thing..?" He asked. You frantically thought of something to make up, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"Well, I think we should focus on training before we do crazy stuff like that." You replied, having that had been the only thing you thought of.

"Understandable." He said nodding his head. " You know what... Let's pretend that never happened."

"Oh. Okay." You answered looking to the floor, feeling as though you just hurt him. And just as that happened Jay left.

You felt confused and shocked. Just as fast as he liked you he was over it. You sighed. You went under your covers and grabbed your book, hopping to get your mind off things. About 30 minutes later, someone else knocked on your door. 'Why can't I just read in peace?' You wined in your head. "Who is it?" You called out.

No answer.

"Hello?" You started to get up and get out of the covers of your bed and make your way to the door. As you open the door,  you see Kai. "Oh lord." You say under your breath as your face falls into a scowl. "What do you want?" You ask, you're voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Calm down there, Sunshine." He says with a slight smirk as he leans against the doorframe. "I was just coming to say hi." He says as he winks at you playfully. 

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, hot head. You said 'hi', now bye." You roll your eyes and go to close the door. Kai then put's his foot in the way of the door closing, stopping it from shutting completely. You didn't notice, and walked over towards your bed. Kai opens the door and grabs you waist and pulls you close to him. "It's rude to shut a door in a man's face..." He whispers in your ear. You feel your body shutter as you feel his warm breath on you ear and cheek as you blush softly. "I-I didn't shut it in your face, for one. And secondly, you're no man." You mentally face palmed as you realize you stuttered. 

"Oh, but you did to. And, I am may be no man to you right now, but soon, I'll be your man." He says. You didn't have to look to see that he was smirking. You try to pull way from him but his grip on your waist was to tight. "Let me go." You say, trying to sound intimidating considering how flustered you'd become because of this boy. 

"And why should I? I have you right where I want you, Sunshine." He says as he turns your body to face him and pulls you closer to his chest. 

"Let. Me. Go." You say in a more stern tone.

"Oh, come on, Sunshine. We both know you love this. Just give it up and give in." He says with a smirk as his hands snake their way around your waist. Suddenly, thank the gods, someone knocked at the door. Kai let you go and went to open the door, revealing Sensei. He raised he eyebrows. "Was I interrupting something?" Sensei asked with a bit of baffled look on his face. 

"No." You state as you glare at Kai. "Kai was just leaving." And with that, Kai leaves you and Sensei, pf course giving you one final smirk and wink before heading down the hallway to his room. "So," Sensei starts. "What was Kai doing in you room?" He asks as he raises his eyebrows.

"Not sure, honestly. He just came in." You say as you shrug your shoulders.

"I see...." Sensei says as he scratches his beard "You should be carful with him." He gives you a knowing look.

"Yes, Sensei." You nod your head as you sit on the end of your bed. "So, what brings you to my room?" You ask with a small smile on your face.

"Ah, yes. Be ready at dawn. We will all leave then." He says, being extremely vague as to what he was referring to. And with that, he left the room.

"Uh.. okay.." You say to yourself as you fall back onto your bed.

As you lay in your bed, you couldn't help but review what happened in your head. Everything happened so fast. The most prominent things were when Jay and Kai came in. What was happening to my life? Why did everything have to be so complicating? You knew this would only be the beginning, and soon, it's only get worse.


OMG GUYS!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooooo sorry for not posting for the last like... 3 months? I was busy with school and exams and before that I was grounded for like 2 months. Well, i'm back. Hopefully for a while. I'll try and post more often, but I know I'm busy with my taekwondo tournament next Saturday so I won't be online then. Well, I'm back! 1040 words. See you soon my little ninjas!

- Ella_Flareon09

Ninjago x Reader Book -1: Love BitesWhere stories live. Discover now