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Cole's POV:

We were walking down the mountain. I couldn't stop staring at Y/N and her beautiful H/C H/L hair. Her hair blew in the wind so perfectly. 'Cole snap out of it! It's Sensei Wu's niece. And you just met her!'

"So, Cole, Where are you from?" Y/N turned and asked me.

"Ninjago city." I responded.

" That's cool-" She tripped falling down at least 5 stairs. I ran to go see if she was alright.



"That's cool-" You tripped falling down 5 stairs on your hands and knees. 'Ow!' You got up and sat on the stairs looking at your knees. One was cut and was bleeding. The other was just scraped. Your hands had little bits of rock in them and were bleeding. You bit your lip at the sight. Cole came running up to you. "Oh my God! Y/N! Are you okay!?" He asked clearly worried.

"Yeah. Just a few little cuts." You said starting to stand up. "I just have to make it to the bottom. There's a steam I can clean my wounds in and I can use leafs and vines to cover it." You said giving him a faint smile before falling down. Right before you hit the ground Cole caught you. He placed you back on the stairs and sighed. Then he said "Let me carry you." You felt your face heat up. "I'm fine." You reassured him. "If you were fine you wouldn't have fell."

"True. But I can still walk!" You argued.

"To bad." He said picking you up bridal style.

"Put me down!" You said to him. His response was just a chuckle under his breath. You turned the other way and pouted while he laughed at you. Before you even knew it you were at the bottom of the mountain. "Here we are, madam." Cole said while putting you down back on your feet. You immediately collapsed when he let go of you but he caught you before you fell. "I thought you said you could walk." He said with a smirk. You sighed and got up and limped to the creak. The creak was one of your favorite places. Whenever you had free time you would go to the creak and read a book. The creak had a lot for different flowers and plants. It had 7 large willow trees protecting it from the sunlight. You went up the the creak, sat down and rolled up your black leggings, that were now full of holes where your knees are. You rolled them up past your knees and grabbed a leaf. You sat at the edge of the creak with your knees in the water. You took the leaf you grabbed and started to scrape the rocks out of your hands. You winced at the pain. You wanted to start crying but you knew Cole was right behind you and he would notice. You cleaned your hands and the you went to your knee. You started to clean it then you heard a noise in the distance. "What was that?" You asked Cole.

"I'm not sure. I'm going to go check it out."He said as he grabbed a large stick and started to walk away.

"Don't be to long. I'm almost done so I want to leave soon." I said while turning my head to face him.

"Don't worry Y/N. I won't leave you." He said before disappearing out of sight.

I think my word average for each chapter is 500 words for now. Anyway, Who did they hear, what's Sensei Wu gonna say? Hope you enjoyed! Vote, Comment and Share! See you soon little ninjas!


Ninjago x Reader Book -1: Love BitesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant