Chapter 83

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Becky slept holding freen hand. Sunlight wake up Freen . Freen surprised to see Becky face near to her .Freen mesmerized with Becky face and she gently moved the hair from the Becky face and she also noticed Becky holding her hand . She smiled and she made Becky to sleep on bed and she went to take a shower .

Becky phone start to ring and it made Becky to wake up.

Becky opened her eyes and looked at the phone , it's Cindy .

Mami... Miss you ... hathu kissed the phone .

Becky smiled on hearing hathu voice .

Mami miss you too my little bunny .

Mami when will you come back .

Day after tomorrow hathu . Sorry mami stuck with some important commitments

No issue mami , but don't forget to buy me a gift .

Sure hathu .

Love you mami ! i need to go to school now , I'll talk to you later .

Love you too , Becky disconnected the call , she shocked to see Freen standing in front of her .

Oh shit , i totally forget that i m in freen room . Becky looked at Freen who is leaning on the wall .

Rebecca you have someone to say love you too in your life as soon as you wake up ? Freen waited for Becky's answer .

Becky still looking at Freen, she scared if she listened hathu name in the call .

But ... Becky started !!!

Wow you don't need to answer . Thank God i listened to that at the end of the call . Sorry Rebecca if i disturbed you last night . You can leave my room and I'll take care of myself , and point her hands towards the door.

Becky know that freen is upset with Becky love you too . She heard at the end of the call .Becky left the room silently   .

After Becky left the room . Freen phone start to ring and it's Hathai .

She smiled and answered the call .

Bunny !! How are you ? Hathu said

I m good, how about you my little bunny ! Had your food !

Yes Yes ! Amporn told me you're in the hospital , What happened to you ?

Nothing ! I m fine now .

When are you coming here , I miss you a lot  .

Miss you too my little bunny , i ll come very soon .

Ok bunny take care of your health . Love you and she kissed the phone .

Freen eyes start to cry by hathu words .

Love you too my little bunny and thanks for calling , she disconnected the call .

Sometimes God will take what you love the most from you and she will give back another form of love which will make you more happy .

Becky getting ready , she heard someone knocking the door . It's freen who is standing in front of her .

Yes Sarocha !

Rebecca tomorrow we had a flight around 7 and today I'm going shopping are you coming with me and if you want you can accompany me in the reception before 5 .

Freen did not wait for Becky answer .

Freen reached the room and she throwed her phone on the bed .

After showered Freen came out and she looked Becky , she saw Becky is busy in the call . She heard that Becky is smiling. Almost 4 years my teerak smiled like this and soon i heard she is saying love you too someone it hittede hard . She moved on with someone and may be it's nop . She smiled throughout the call . Yes , that why yesterday she said with me that i do not owe her . She had someone now . I know the mistake what i did is big , she killed by baby it made me to ignore her. But i never unloved her . I never replaced her with anyone . I always loved her and she is my only love and everything in the world . This made me cry but i got a call from Hathai which changed my mood little bit . So i asked fah to book tickets tomorrow to Thailand and before that i ll shop for Amporn and Hathai a gift .

So i asked Becky will come with me ! I know she had her private time with nop . So before she say no i left the place .

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