Chapter 41: Chats

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Wednesday, 8:09 P.M.

ME: Hi.


ME: How was the wedding? Did you finally say those vows you've been practicing in the mirror for three years?

NAMJOON: And then some. I'm pretty sure I rambled. Jin had to cough loudly to signal me to wrap it up.

ME: Ahhh, married life.

NAMJOON: You'll get there soon.

ME: I'm sorry for not showing.

NAMJOON: I figured you wouldn't.

ME: Are you upset?

NAMJOON: No. The present you sent was enough. Jin has already claimed it his Super-Mario collecting case.

ME: But it's a scrapbook with both of your names. It's supposed to be for making memories.

NAMJOON: Tell him that.

NAMJOON: So what's your plan? Hide out until things calm down?

ME: Continue music. Maybe do a stage name and disguise my face.

NAMJOON: Are what they saying that bad?

ME: No. Other reasons.

NAMJOON: What kind of stage name are you thinking of? You should be something people can easily recognize, but still disappear when needed.

ME: That makes no sense.

NAMJOON: Sure it does. Something that blends in.

ME: But stands out?

NAMJOON: Exactly.

ME: Very descriptive.

NAMJOON: What about paint? It has all kinds of colors, and when you are in a familiar room, it goes unnoticed most of the time.

ME: Paint? Really?

NAMJOON: What? It could be something.

ME: I'll think about it.

NAMJOON: How about something describing paint as a whole? That way you're not limited to one color.

ME: You're really not giving up on this.

NAMJOON: This is what you get for being a no-show. Anyway, I'm thinking something shiny.

ME: I'm not putting on any glitter.

NAMJOON: That would be a sight to see.

ME: In your dreams.

NAMJOON: Oh! What about "Gloss"?

ME: Gloss?

NAMJOON: Yeah! Like a finishing of paint. Something added to make it shiny.

ME: . . .

NAMJOON: Call me when Gloss gets a hit single.

ME: It will do for now.

My Light, My Jiminحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن