Chapter 36: Counseling

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It's the next morning when I'm sitting in an office across from the guidance counselor, Mrs. Joo Juhee, this time only her and me in the turquoise blue space, no officers or nurses. Mrs. Juhee adjusts the top lid on a jar of candy and folds her hands neatly.

"If you have anything you wish to tell me," she says politely, "now is the time to share."

She's treating this like it's some sort of therapy session, like I willingly walked in here. I'm not sure what she's expecting out of me, if she wants the details on the man that attacked me or if she wants to know if I'm experiencing any post trauma. I've already informed the police about everything regarding the events in the bathroom, so there isn't anything I've said that she probably hasn't heard.

I look up from the floor. "I'm not sure what you want me to say."

"I'd like to talk about the incident between you and Professor Min Yoongi."

I say nothing, not wanting to give her any bait that could lure me in her direction.

"There are witnesses that claim you were romantically involved with Professor Min."

Again, I say nothing. The smartest move I can make is to stay silent, wait for a lawyer- though I don't personally know any lawyer. Who would defend my case? Eomma? Yoongi?

Mrs. Juhee sits back in her chair, the formalities gone. "Is this true?"

"None of it is true," I say. "I had just missed death and Yoongi- Professor Min- got me out of the bathroom safely. We fell on the grass and that's when people saw us sitting together. It doesn't mean anything."

"So if I bring in the student who explicitly saw you, will your story change?" she asks.

I blink, realizing that she has an ace up her sleeve. She's trying to call my bluff. "Go ahead," I say.

She leaves without a word, the door still open. A lump rises in my throat as I'm here alone. I prefer to be with the police officers instead of in this office with inspirational posters of a cat on a tree and the words "hang in there" plastered on. At least at the police station, their office was as it was: blank. There was no reason to be nice; they needed the truth, and they didn't play games.

A few minutes pass and Mrs. Juhee comes back in her office with Jungkook in tow. He sits in the chair beside mine, but doesn't look at me. His ears burn red, but his breathing is steady. He doesn't want to be here any more than I do. I want to say forget it- that it's all a waste of time trying to uncover something that isn't there, but I know we can't.

"Jungkook," Mrs. Juhee says, "I'm going to ask you a question, and you must be honest with me. Did you see Jimin and Professor Yoongi involved in any form of sexual activity?"

Jungkook takes a deep breath, cracks his neck. His mouth is firm, and his eyes are focused on the empty tissue box on the desk. "No. I didn't see anything."

My eyes jump to his. Skepticism crosses my mind before thankfulness. Why would he lie on my behalf? What does he have to gain from lying? I'm gripped with an overwhelming relief from him, and imagine reaching over and thanking him from the bottom of my heart. Honestly, he has no reason to back me up considering he's dating my former best friend, but the sentiment does not go unnoticed.

Mrs. Juhee presses her fingertips to her temples. "That isn't what the majority of witnesses are claiming."

Jungkook shakes his head, acting like the majority isn't to be trusted. It's oddly concerning how he can convince a story like that to be possibly true. I only sit and watch, wondering if I'm ultimately to blame for him going through this moment of deceit. I've dragged him down with me, too.

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