Chapter 39: Suspension

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The first months without him were filled with anxiety. He was all over the news.  The student victim of a hostage.  Considered to be an angel; innocent.

Daegu University shut down all activities for a week, traumatized by what a fellow student went through, and I was called three times by the superintendent trying to get me back on campus to discuss my exact actions when helping Jimin escape.  I don't like to repeat myself, so I ignore it all and focus on updating my passport.

Turns out the corpse of Kim Young-sang has yet to be discovered, but I'm not sticking around for that.  Plus, the main focus has been maintaining a safer school campus, placing higher gates and better security.

By the time March came, right before my birthday, I was restless.  I took up my music as a full time career and quit my position as a professor.  I only shared that news with three people: my boss, Namjoon, and Jin.

Out of the three of them, Jin took it the hardest.

"Yah!  The hell you mean you're done?" he said to me, shaking his head in disbelief.

"It's as I said.  I'm done.  I quit."  Every time I said it, my shoulders felt a little lighter.

"That's a bold move," he said, scanning me, "are you sure you want to run now?"

I sat with his question, tossing it around in my mind, and then glanced at the empty classroom desks behind him.  There was only one face I imagined, and he sat with a smile on his face, waiting for me.

I nodded.  "This isn't about me.  It never was."

He caught my gaze and smirked.  "If you ever need someone to talk to about what happened, I'm here."

I shook my head then.  "Thank you, but I'm cutting all ties here.  It's better that way."

"Okay."  He walked around his desk and placed a hand on my shoulder, not exactly a hug, but close enough.  "So was Park Jimin the reason?"

I was confused what he was referring to, and then I remembered my last conversation with Jin, how he asked why I was threatening to expose him and his boyfriend, my best friend, after being backed into a corner.  I was silent for a second, debating if I should be honest while I have the chance, and decided then that I was leaving anyway.

"Yes.  He was the reason," I said.

Jin continued to surprise me that day, smiling when I admitted it.  "You're an idiot for dancing in a minefield," he said, "but I can't blame the idiot who's got rose tinted glasses on."

"Don't waste your breath quoting for me."

His brows drew in, a smirk forming.  "Not a chance in hell."

He grabbed me in for a hug and I stiffened, our first contact with each other.  I awkwardly patted him on the back and pushed him away after he started to squeeze.  He laughed and shooed me out, claiming that his allergies were kicking in and that's why his ears were turning red.  I did him the favor and left before I could see any tears.

The months dragged by after that.  With me out of sight, the investigation between my alleged sexual harassment toward Jimin died out along with the cold winter.  Spring comes late, but I don't complain.

My phone sits heavy in my pocket as I shuffle forward.  It hasn't been buzzing, which means Namjoon isn't awake yet.  The last text I have was from him saying that he and Jin are engaged.  I promised him over the phone that I'd come and surprise them both after I settle in.

My Light, My JiminOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant