Chapter 12: Field Trip

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Professor Min's gimbap is exquisite, which is surprising to say.  Listening to all the rumors beforehand, I built him up in my head to be. . . well, a good cook was definitely not what I imagined him to be.  I was taken aback to say the least.

And now I'm in his office sitting on a couch reading— ironically— my textbook for his class.   It's a tight, but cozy space he's made, one that makes me at home almost instantly.  The sun is starting to set over the tops of the trees, the deep blue sky slowly morphing to splashes of orange and pink.

But instead of enjoying the scenic moment, I'm trying to keep calm.

I'll need to leave soon, back to the dorms before anyone gets the wrong idea, but I want to stay.  For the first time in a while, I've found a place where I'm welcomed, even at the cost of breaking a few rules.  And I can pretend that it's nothing, but Professor Min showing favoritism towards me while he shoves Taehyung out, makes me giddy.

My phone jabs into my side, and I glance down at the texts from my roommate, asking if I'll be home tonight.  I debate what to do.  I should go home and forget this ever happened, for both our sakes, but I don't.  I send a quick text back, saying something like I'm busy right now, but I'll be there before the curfew.

And it makes me sad, knowing that my time with him is almost up.  That I'll have to go to a lonely bed and hope we can do this again tomorrow.

I hear footsteps and I tear my eyes away from my phone to look at Professor Min as he leans against the doorway.

"It's getting late," he says.   "Do you live close by, or are you in the dorms?"

My lips purse.  "I'm in the dorms.  Curfew isn't until later."

He nods.  "I know, but I don't want you getting into trouble because of a mix-up."

Is that what he's calling this?  A mix-up?  A mistake?   I shouldn't be so shocked, but I am.  I was stupid enough to fall for something that wasn't even happening.  It was all a fantasy in my head, one that was all my own.

I hate how easily I fell for it all.  I hate how attractive he is.  But I guess it makes sense that the person I dream about would appear as perfection to lure me away.

He tilts his head.   "Is something wrong?"

I turn my face away from him.

"You're welcome to come back tomorrow, you know," he adds, as if reading my mind.  I look back at him pleadingly.  "Just give the time a scan in case I actually am busy during the hours, okay?"

"The lecture wasn't just for Taehyung?"

"No, it was," he says.  "But you're an exception.  I only ask that you remember my schedule as it is on the syllabus."

"Will your afternoons be free?"  It sounds more suggestive than anything, and I don't correct myself.

Amusement sparks through his gaze.   "As of now, yes."

The energy in the room shifts, the silence taking over lets me fantasize what future afternoons could look like for me.  My face heats up thinking about me and him alone.

The moment deflates as he ducks out the classroom, silently leaving me alone.  I was so caught up in the clouds, I almost let him get away.

I peek outside into the hallway.  The classrooms across from me have their lights off and doors locked tight.  There's no one here but me, and when I look out the double doors, I see Professor Min standing with a cigarette in his hand.

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