Chapter 15: Trivia Night

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There are more students here than I thought.

And they are loud. 

And seemingly everywhere at once.  They're delighted by the set up of tables made for the rounds of questions even I'm not sure of.  Most of them have joined together in clusters and have taken over the front tables, leaning on the edge of their seats as Namjoon dramatically pauses for effect before deeming the left side table to be correct. 

A mixture of applause and outraged cries fill the air, but it's all in the name of good fun.  Jin laughs along with them, but I know he's really laughing at his dork of a boyfriend.  He tells me this himself, whispering low enough that Namjoon was secretly excited about tonight for a while.

I watch from the snack table as Namjoon asks the questions with a stack of cards in his hands and a striking gleam in his eye.  The teams started less than thirty minutes ago and already this is making for an interesting match. 

Then Jimin and Hoseok appear. 

I'm surprised when they show up, especially now when the games have already started, but they take a seat at an empty table in the back and watch with intense eyes.  

At the front, Namjoon notices them and looks to me for a split second before focusing on the question.

I need to play this very carefully.  I cannot tell if he's thrown off by them showing up out of nowhere, or if he thinks I had something to do with it.  If he's confused, he should really take a look inside my head right now.

Eventually, Namjoon continues reading from his notecards.  "In the Disney category, we will start with a question worth twenty points.  Which Disney Princess sings "Once Upon a Dream"?"

Before anyone can breathe, Jimin's hand shoots up.  "Sleeping Beauty!  Otherwise known as Aurora!"

Namjoon's expression flickers, but he regains himself.  "That is correct."

Hoseok and Jimin high-five each other, and I can't help my smile as I watch Jimin flash his pearly white teeth and clap his hands, so proud of himself. 

Namjoon speaks louder.  "What is the name of Belle's father in the movie Beauty and the Beast?"

"Maurice!"  Jimin shouts.


Jin cackles.  "Damn, this kid is good."

My chest is tight and I'm clapping along with everyone before I know it.  I'm clapping so hard my palms hurt, but it's still not enough to be heard above the cheers.  Within seconds, everyone is on their feet watching Jimin answer every question related to Disney.

"Which Disney character sings "Kiss the Girl"?"


"What is the name of Simba's father in The Lion King?"


"The Queen of Hearts wanted her roses what color in Alice in Wonderland?"


His smile widens with every question he gets right, and he results to standing after shooting up out of his seat for the fifth time.  He's quick to answer, not even sparing the others a chance at a guess.  Hoseok is laughing so hard he's falling out of his seat, but Jimin keeps going. 

Namjoon gets down to his last card and Jimin answers just as easily, taking the entire crowd by shock and ending his victory with a bow like he just won a Grammy.  I clap along with Jin, who laughs at Namjoon's stunned expression.  Some of the competition decide to leave, their egos getting the better of them, and I watch as they roll their eyes, muttering that this was child's play.

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