Chapter 24: Learning

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Before I can even move, he's on me. His mouth is on mine and I give back in equal measures because after everything I just said, after I've cut myself open and showed him my scars and vulnerability, he's still here.

And I don't see the point in fighting against my will anymore.

My heart soars with his sweet caress, but soon enough, he deepens the kiss, his tongue prying my mouth open. I can taste the kimchi and moan at his taste, my stomach somersaulting at the way he completely consumes me. Heat shoots through my middle and throbs between my thighs, and I pull him closer to me, as close as humanly possible.

He groans when my torso presses against him. I suck in a gasp at the movement, my lips breaking away at the feel of him hard and thick beneath me. I press back, the friction of his length along my own causing tingles to race through me, a rush of wetness seeps from my core.

Moving his hands from my cheek, he settles both palms on my hips, guiding me around to a room- his bedroom. We move through the doorway and then I'm falling on his bed. A rush of emotions flood through me. It's too soon. It's what I want. It's happening now.

"You taste so much better than I imagined," he groans into my skin.

My head falls back and I give in, allowing him access to my throat.

I feel his hands on my chest, sliding up for the buttons of my shirt. When his fingers graze the shirt, he stops. "Can I touch you?"

"Y-yes," I stutter out.

"Then I need you to relax for me."

I do as he says. His gaze soaks me up like a sponge, and precum leaks from my tip as I imagine what he will do to me next. My hips lift on their own and he unzips my pants, allowing him to strip me from my waist down until my cock bobs free, standing straight in the air.

He sits back, his cheeks flustered like he's a robot being rebooted and awoken to me. He reaches down, the veins on his hand flexing as he wraps his fingers around my shaft, stroking lewdly. My stomach cramps, an ache settling and my sensitive area swelling from watching him pleasure me.

It's intoxicating to know I'm the one who makes him this way.

My eyes never stray from his, his hand slowly working my length, his gaze zoned in on where my fingers twitch and grab ends of his bed sheets.

"Will you strip for me?" His voice scrapes across my insides like nails on a chalkboard. So deepening that it drowns out every logical thought I ever once possessed.

"Okay." I trail my fingertips from the top of my throat, running them down the length of my neck and over my collarbone, unbuttoning my shirt slowly and letting it fall over my shoulders. His dark eyes wash over me, making me feel powerful. Making me feel like if I can bring this man to his knees, then I can do anything.

He bites his lip, visibly shuddering. His fingers release me and I instantly miss his touch, but he doesn't let me go without him for long. He skims his fingers up my torso until they rest on my nipples, swaying back and forth in a teasing caress, sparks of arousal ricocheting off my insides and settling deep in my core. Underneath me, his bed is wet.

He pauses, hand resting on my chest. My breath sticks in my lungs as he leans back on his knees and begins sliding his blazer off his shoulders, dropping it to the floor. His black shirt comes off next, then his belt, and finally his pants. His cock is large and thick and I reflexively part my lips.

Climbing on the bed, he slides between my legs. My hands go back to their spot on his thighs, tracing up the muscles and veins I see until I surround the base of his groin.

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