Chapter 27: Halloween Dance

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As days pass into weeks, preparations for the new month kick into full gear.  A dance is held in the student center, with the tables cleared away and the lights dimmed, it's a scene that could be put in a high school setting.  Here, it's awkward, but after drinks are served, things lighten up.  It could be because a student spiked the punch, but I don't mention it to any of the other chaperones.  I'm pretty sure they've been taking a sip from it, too.

This year is a Halloween themed dance, with people either caring too much or too little about their costumes.  Most girls are in short miniskirts and red bows calling themselves Snow White.  The boys have black jeans and T-shirts with ketchup on their mouths calling themselves vampires.  It's lazy, but they make up for it with comedy, like it's supposed to be funny.

Meanwhile, I lost a bet with Namjoon about how many times Jin would use the phrase "Yah" in a day.  I'm still not believing that his record is forty-one, but I should have known his boyfriend would keep count.  Because of my ignorance, I'm standing as a chaperone dressed as a crazy king.  Black robes with golden details stitched in, a fake katana sword borrowed from Jin, drawn on cuts and long blond hair thrown together in ten minutes.

I volunteered only to see Jimin.  Because he now works in the mornings, we've had to be extra careful with him sneaking into my classroom in the afternoons.  When he came to me on Monday, I was so overwhelmingly glad to see him that I kissed him on the spot without giving a thought to the lights or that my door was unlocked.

After that, things became a natural routine.  Once my classes were done, he would show up and stay in my office completing homework on the couch or listening to the CDs I played while working.  We work best that way, in silence, knowing that the other is near.  Sometimes it's not enough to be sitting apart, and that's when my lap is his seat.  I've worked with him kissing my cheek and going down to my neck, but in those times I forget what I've typed and end up restarting my emails all over again or pushing them until the next day while I focus on him.

I eat a fun-sized candy bar in tiny pieces and watch the couples sway to a love song I'm unfamiliar with.  At one point, I spot Jung Hoseok sneak to the punch bowl wearing a set of black and white striped pajamas that vaguely resembles a criminal, dirt smudged on his face.  I think he's noticed me, but he slips away, then Jimin follows behind him and I freeze.

He's wearing a black tank top with a black leather vest and gold chain hanging around his neck.  His black cap is on backwards and his acid washed jeans are ripped, like he's trying to be a biker.  What catches my attention is the eyeliner that darkens his bubbly expressions.  It's very different and so, incredibly sexy.

When Jimin catches up to Hoseok, he scans the crowd before catching sight of me and smiling.  I feel his eyes take in my costume as he waits in line, fearlessly smirking and mouthing "wow" at me.  It's childish and I roll my eyes, but take the compliment internally and save it for later.

He drinks from a red solo cup and talks with Hoseok.  The music is too loud to eavesdrop, but it's obvious that Jimin is trying to get out of the conversation.  His feet are pointed toward the door and his eyes bounce back and forth to Hoseok and the crowd behind him.  When Hoseok touches his shoulder, he doubles over with a hand wrapped around his stomach.

My first reaction is to sprint over, but I force myself still, watching them first.  Jimin nods with a short smile and says something before leaving while hunched over.  It's the first time I've ever seen him sick like this and I look for Namjoon.

"Cover for me.  I need to see if kids are sneaking off into the bushes out front," I say in his ear.

Namjoon groans.  "Again?  They better not mess with Jin's flowers.  He'll beat their asses."

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