Scene 69- The Fight

Start from the beginning

A warm embrace comes from behind and the soft murmur from George in my ear let's all the doubts fade away. We are in this together. We fight together. We will survive even this. I nod at his question and together, with intertwined hands, we go after the others up the stairs.

Aberforth really did make changes to the personal room of my father. The first noticeable thing you see is the big portrait of a young girl smiling at us curiously. She swings open and a secret passage is shown.

Lee, Cho, Luna, Dean all of Dumbledore's army arrived in the pub, even before the order did. We don't have time for massive welcomes and so we simply greet them with a nod. Meanwhile the older wizards and witches stay back to discuss their plans and wait for the rest of the order, we youngsters make our way down the passage.

With held out wands we step out into the room of requirement and are faced with cheers of many many students.

This is incredible.

Neville says something to Harry, who doesn't look amused at our appearance. Neville looks miserable as many other students do. Ginny told us about the punishments, but that they would turn out so severe is beyond my understanding.

As I look around the room, I see the banner of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. But there aren't any Slytherins in here. I feel my heart sink. This will leave again, a bad light on our reputation.

"I think we should Hurry up, Aberforths getting rather fuzzy about all these people," Fred says while stepping out of the hole.

"What's the plan Harry?," George asks.

"There is no plan," he quickly says.

"No plan? So we make something up while we go? I like those plans the best," Fred cheers.

"No! Neville you need to make this stop;" Harry says to the boy.

"Why? Aren't you here to fight for Hogwarts?," Luna asks.

"No. I-We," he points at Hermione and Ron: "We need to find something for Dumbledore."

"Great, what can we do?," Seamus asks.

"No, we need to do this alone."

There is the start of a disagreement until Ron speaks up: "Why can't they help?"

The boy turns to his two friends and they mumble something between them. The others of us exchange confused glances until Harry finally decided to ask the Ravenclaws about something that belonged Rowena Ravenclaw.

That ended with him and Luna disappearing out of the room to find the Lost Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw.

Hermione and Ron are bombarded with questions about their trip and journey, if it was true that they let a dragon escape from Gringotts and what did they did so far. However, while we were talking Ron suddenly shakes Hermione and mumbles something about a bathroom.

"You are a genius Ron!," Hermione exclaims: "Sorry we need to go! Now."

Neville helps them to get out and we are all left behind confused.

"Great, now: What should we do?," Fred looks around.

"Party time," Lee tries to joke: "The last time so many of us where in one place it was a long time ago. Man I miss parties."

"I miss the simpler times," Terry Boot agrees.

"Well how about dancing until it gets easier?," George looks at me with a slight smirk.

"I was dancing with you once and that was enough. I still can't dance," I shot back, earning a chuckle from him.

"You will dance with me," he says reassured.

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