Scene 68- The Start

Start from the beginning

*George's Prov*

I'll hand Anne over to Dad and watch them disappear. Fred and I give each other a look and nod, before taking our wands out again.

"Don't even think about going back there," Mum scolds us.


"-there were attackers. People screamed!"

"We need to go back and help them!"

"You are not going anywhere. You won't bring yourselves in danger. Please, it's bad enough that one son of mine is out there risking his life!"

The tears in Mum's eyes makes us reconsider our plan. We both pull Mum into a tight hug. We won't go anywhere. We can't do anything alone against the threat.


Later that day, after we have met with Lee to give him the exciting news about the escape of the dragon, I sit beside Ginny, Fred and Anne in the living room. Anne has her leg on a pillow, it's almost fully healed thanks to Aunt Muriel. Fred is examining our coin carefully.

"That's genius of you to still use this thing," he says to our sister.

"Thanks. The Carrows never figured out how we kept in touch, they would never suspect something so simple," she explains: "One time, we arranged a whole plan just through the coins. We modified them, so everyone can leave a message on them. Hermione did great work."

"She really is a bright witch," I agree: "And they say that Muggleborns don't know how to use magic."

"Isn't it funny," Anne starts: "How the Dark Lord claims that Muggleborns are filled with dirty blood and magic, meanwhile he could be a half blood?"

"What do you mean?," we all look at her.

"Well the notes my father left me, made it clear that The Dark Lord only had a witch as mother, but the magical status of his father remained unknown. As far as the notes go, he apparently was a muggle and was bewitched by the Dark Lords mother."

"Wicked," my brother and I say.

"So he fights all these muggleborns and muggles because of his personal hatred for his own father? Bloody great," Ginny says and sinks deeper into the couch.

"Guys," I stare at the coin in my hand, it changes: "The coin is doing something."

"What?," Ginny sits up abruptly and takes it from me: "Harry. Harry is in Hogwarts. There will be a fight!"

She looks at us excited. We all stand up immediately. Anne's foot luckily healed and make our way through the house to get our parents. We need to inform the order, we need to inform as much people as possible. There will be a war.

"The coin says we need to get to the Hog's Head. There is the secret entrance," Ginny continues while we search for the others.

I look at Anne, mentally asking her if she is okay with going back there. She looks content and ready.

"MUM! DAD! MURIEL," we shout until they come running down towards us.

"What happened?"

"Harry is in Hogwarts, there will be a fight. We need to get ready."

"Arthur, get the news to Kingsley, we need to inform the order immediately," Mum tells him, who already takes out his wand.

"Dad," Ginny says: "Tell them to meet us in the Hog's Head. From there we make our way into the castle without anyone noticing."

Dad casts a few patroni who disappear through the walls.

"I'm not going anywhere I'm-," Aunt Muriel starts.

"-way too old. We already got it. Geez," Anne sighs.

"The disrespect!"

"You get what you seed," she looks at the old woman with a smug expression that shuts her up.

Oh I love this girl.

We get our necessary stuff together and hurry among the rooms, receiving here and there a patronus as answer back.

Soon there is a knock on the door and Bill comes in with Fleur.

"We came az zoon az possible," Fleur says out of breath.

"Let's start a fight," Bill nods looking serious: "Let's apparate two and two. I think that's the best way. I didn't think after taking them in, that so soon when they left, they would start a real fight."

"The Hog's Head you said Ginny?," Dad looks at his daughter.

She nods and shows him the coin.

"Isn't the Hog's Head an unsafe place?," Anne asks unsure.

"For Death Eaters," Bill nods: "Not for us."

"How? Isn't the place unguarded now since- well... you know," she looks onto the floor.

"Soon after your father died and you left, the pub was taken over by another owner who kept it running. He made it his duty to provide safe ground and run it as neutral as you two did," Bill explains.

Anne looks up again: "Who is he?"

"Aberforth Dumbledore, Albus' younger brother. He thought it was necessary that someone kept it running after it was left so suddenly. I'm sure he will be interested to meet you," Bill gives her a reassuring smile.

My girlfriend nods and takes a deep breath.

"Alright, two and two. Ginny you go with Anne, Fleur and Bill, Fred – George, your mother and I. Muriel stay save," Dad nods to her and then we run out of the house, ready to face whatever will come. 

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