I look at the cover of their books. So-hye was reading "Prr-ayd. Pride is that correct?" I murmur then read the rest "annd Prr-edjustice? Nope. Again."

"Pre-dyu-dis? Prejudice?!" I exclaim quietly.
Pride and prejudice! I can feel that I read it right.

I walk to where Jisoo's book was lying cover up

It was too long but l can spell it.

T-H-E M-A-K-1-N-G O-F T-H-E A-T-0-M-1-C B-0-M-B

I am pretty sure I recognize the word bomb but I might be wrong.

Why would Jisoo read those kinds of book?
I shrug my shoulders and skips back to the grill area.

When I arrive, So-hye, Jisoo and Hanbin was already preparing the table.

"Jisoo for fudgesake starighten the table cloth!" So-hye shouts.

"What the hell do you want? I already staraighten this thing a million times!" Jisoo exclaimed.

"No! The checkered was not in line at the edge of the table!" So-hye said exasperatedly.

"You want the line of the cloth exactly on top of the edge? You know that the square area of this table was not congruent to the design of this fucking checkered cloth right?" Jisoo replied.

"Oh no. Don't talk geometry in front of the food please. You know I hate no I loathe math."
Hanbin scolds. "So-hye stop being perfectionist."

"Sorry Hanny. Sorry Jisoo." So-hye murmur.

"No problem lil sis! I am honestly ready to compute in front of you." Jisoo replied.

"So-hye call daddy and Taeyhung . Check if Taeyhung 's still alive or our father already drown him."

So-hye nodded and walk to where we can hear the shouts of 2 people.

I sat beside Jennie and at a far distance I can see Soo-hyun walking towards us with a dishevelled Taeyhung  and laughing So-hye behind him.

Soo-hyun sat at the head of the table while Taeyhung  sat in between So-hye and Hanbin while Jisoo was sitting beside me.

"Taeyhung  start the prayer."

Taeyhung  lead the prayer as ordered.

"Taeyhung  you still have leaves stuck to your hair." Jisoo sniggers.

Taeyhung  pouts. "I swear to God I saw my life flash before my eyes several times.!"

"Don't be dramatic Taeyhung , I only place you in a headlock for two minute. Those body slam I did barely bruises you. You'll not die from that." Soo-hyun said nonchalantly while slicing his chicken.

"I'll tell mommy!" Taeyhung  shouts.
Soo-hyun stops eating and narrow his eyes at Taeyhung  and said darkly "Will you?"

Taeyhung  visibly gulps and shakes his head no.

Soo-hyun stares at Taeyhung  more then nodded.

"Hey daddy I decided when I graduate that I will work in our company. Chemistry department." Jisoo said.

Soo-hyun furrow his eyebrow. "We don't have chemistry department."

"We do now." Jisoo said in finality.

"We do? Did the CEO approve of that?" Soo-hyun ask Jisoo.

"He did." Jisoo replied confidently.

"I did?!" Jennie said in surprise.

Jisoo shrug her shoulders. "You maybe forgot. Must be old age Unnie."

"I am not that old." Jen Jen grumbled while slicing my steak for me.

"Jen Jen can you please add some burger." I request.

Jen Jen nodded then proceeds to place a patty on my plate and scoop a healthy portion of salad in a bowl.

"Eatwell precious."Jennie said as soon as she gave me back my plate.

The dinner was full of laughter as usual. Soo-hyun was noticably quiet.

I nudge Jen's side but it seems she did not feel it because she was still eating.

With my full force I push her towards her plate and to my surprised Jen's face almost smash into her plate if she did not stop her decent with her hands.

Her siblings was looking at Jen Jen and I wide eyed.

Oh. Oh.

I'm so dead.

Jen Jen calmly wipe her face with her table napkin and face me with no expression on her face.

Huhuhu.God, Mama Mary, Jesus, Buddha, even the lambs in the manger or whatever God, entity that's awake right now help me. Give any idea to escape this situation.

"Explain." Jennie ask in her scarily calm voice.


I look at her siblings even at Soo-hyun for help but they all just shrug and shool their shoulders.

"Lisa." He said my name. This is bad.

Then an idea entered my mind.

I summon all the smile that I can muster and blurts out.

"Let's make a baby!!"


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