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Psyche's gift didn't fail Aurora. The moment she asked, she was encased in a warm golden light. A moment later, it exploded and Aurora found herself standing in Hades's throne room. It was the same as she remembered. However, this time it was empty.

Aurora looked around wondering where the god had disappeared when someone walked out of the shadows of a pillar. But it wasn't Hades. It was Thanatos.

"Thanatos...!" she greeted.

"You succeeded my dear Aurora," the god said and though his face was covered by a hood, she could sense the smile on his face.

"Yeah," she said, holding the helm in her fingers tightly.

"Your first quest. One of many more to come."

"Thanatos," Aurora began, wanting to ask him something that had been bothering her for a long time. "On the beach... before we fought Ares.... Percy said that he was being controlled by someone in the Pit. It isn't...." 

"Kronos?" Thanatos asked and if possible, the throne room appeared even dimmer than before.

Aurora looked at him wide eyes. Thanatos nodded grimly. "How...? And does Zeus know?"

Thanatos sighed. "Zeus knows. But he is determined to avoid it. He doesn't believe it to be possible. And as for how.... Kronos never died Aurora. Keep that in mind. He was cut into a thousand pieces, but he wasn't dead. He is an immortal. And slowly he returns. And he has his supporters, his minions. He whispers in the minds of people and turns them against everything they stand for. Don't let him sway you."

Aurora nodded. "Demigods support him," she whispered. "Demigods from our camp. There is a traitor amongst us at Camp, isn't there?"

Thanatos nodded grimly. "I'm afraid so. One of the demigods who had visited Olympus for the Solstice stole the helm and bolt. Ares knows who. He's the only one who can tell you."

Aurora scoffed. As if Ares would tell her of all people. Thanatos gazed at her before speaking again.

"Worry not, Aurora. Kronos will not rise tomorrow. There is time. Prepare and brace yourself. This is just the first of many quests yet to come. I wish you luck, Aurora Adhara Black. May the Fates smile upon you."

He vanished back into the shadows. Aurora however did not have time to ponder upon his words as the door of the throne room flung open and Hades walked in. However, it seemed that he did not expect to find her there. He was dressed less... godly this time in a blood red suit and his crown of gold and bones no longer resided on his head. He was about six feet tall now and could almost pass as a mortal businessman.

He raised his eyebrows. His eyes fell on the helm in Aurora's hand and his eyes widened. "You succeeded."

Aurora nodded, swallowing. He vanished and appeared on his throne. "Well... Black. You have exceeded my expectations. I did not expect you to succeed."

"But I did. I've brought you your helm. Now it's your part of the bargain you have to keep."

The God met her eyes but for once there was no anger or hatred.

"Who stole it?"


Hades certainly wasn't expecting that. "Ares? Such an elaborate plan? Ares?"

She inhaled sharply before spitting out the next words. "He was acting on Kronos's orders."

Hades stared, eyes narrowed. "So Father has begun recruiting allies. And my nephew is the first."

Aurora hesitated a little before speaking. "I don't think he was aware that it was Kronos. The demigod who stole it at the Solstice.... Ares managed to catch them. However, the demigod, on Kronos's orders, convinced Ares to let him go. He lured him in with the prospect of war. And Ares agreed."

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