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Hey guys. Sorry for those of you'll who thought that this was an update. This is just an author's note, but I sincerely hope that you guys will take your time in reading it. 

Basically, I have a question for you guys. I was wondering if you'll would like me to change the face claims of Percy, Annabeth and Grover to Walker Scobell, Leah Jeffries and Aryan Simhadri respectively as well as the rest of the cast of the soon to be released TV show which I know of such as Chiron, Clarisse, Poseidon, Ares etc. 

I will keep the face claims of my OC's (*cough* Aurora *cough*) the SAME but I'm not sure whether I should change the face claims of the other characters to the actors playing them on-screen in the soon to be released Percy Jackson TV show (which I'm extremely excited for BTW). 

I will also NOT be changing the face claims of characters such as Lee Jordan, Michel Yew, Kayla Knowles etc. either since the actors that will be portraying them have not been released yet (basically the characters whose actors have not been released yet)

Personally, I would prefer to change the face claims once the show has been released as it will be easier for me to get gifs that match the personality of their characters better because tbh there are very few gifs of the actors, and it will be a tedious task to find one that matches their personalities perfectly

However, I do want you guys to share your OPINIONS whether I should change the face claims now, later (when the show gets released) or never and leave it as the current cast. Please let me know about your opinions in the COMMENTS

Also, CAN I JUST SAY HOW EXCITED I AM FOR THE SHOW!! I just can't wait lol!!! And I have seen a lot of posts in which people are unhappy due to the fact that some actors do not look like the characters and are extremely rude towards them. Personally, I believe that it really doesn't matter much as long as the actors manage to showcase the essence of their respective characters. 

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say and I apologize again for those who thought that this was a chapter. I'm currently working on the next chapter, but it'll take a while before I post it (sorry) Anyways bye for now!!

AMARANTHINE-ɪ, pjo/hpTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang