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Aurora must have showered in the Aphrodite Cabin's bathroom for at least an hour, trying to get every bit of that disgusting toilet water out from everywhere. She was pissed off at Percy even though she knew full well that it wasn't his fault. She only came out of the bathroom when Silena and Isabelle threatened to break down the door and drag her out.

She came out of the bathroom, wearing a pink sweatshirt given to her by Isa last year and her favorite pair of jeans, her hair wrapped up in a clean white towel. However, the towel fell the moment she stepped out since it hadn't been wrapped properly.

"Finally," Silena huffed.

Aurora didn't bother to respond just sticking her tongue out at the older girl. 

Silena dug for something in her bag until she found it. "Dad sent us some chocolates from his shop. He even sent a whole box of Mars Bars for you."

Aurora's eyes lightened up at once and she ran towards Silena. Everyone at Camp knew about her weakness for Mars Bars and chocolates in general. This was the reason that the girl was slightly on the healthier side. However, her exercise routine often made up for this unhealthy yet worth it obsession.

Silena laughed smiling fondly at the girl, passing the box to her.

Aurora hugged her, squealing thanks before practically ripping the outer wrapping paper and biting through the chocolate before sighing in relief.

Silena laughed at her, shaking her head.

"You and your obsession with chocolate."

"Eh. It's worth it. Do you know how delicious this is?"

"Well, don't spoil your appetite, Mini-Cupid. It's time for dinner. Come on. Isa will be waiting," Silena said, grabbing Rory's hand and pulling her up.

Rory groaned angrily as she was parted from her beloved chocolate by Silena.

"Cabin 10. Fall in!" Isabelle cried. 

They all lined out in the familiar order and made their way up to the mess hall. They sat onto the Cabin 10 table chuckling a bit when Valentine Diaz giggled about a cute Ares boy, she had her eyes on.

Aurora's eyes flickered over the hall, falling on to Annabeth with her half-siblings to Luke leading the Hermes Cabin and finally onto Percy who had practically squeezed at the end of a bench, his butt half out. Aurora snickered quietly to herself at the sight.

Chiron pounded his hoof against the marble floor of the pavilion, and immediately everybody fell silent. He raised his glass. "To the gods!"

Wood nymphs came forward with the platters of food. Aurora wished for her goblet to serve her Sprite, her favorite drink and took a sip. Thank the Fates that she didn't have to burn her drinks in honor of the Gods as well.

She grabbed a platter and got up alongside a dozen of campers to burn some food in honor of the Gods.  She took a big slice of cheese and tossed it into the flame "Eros. Guide me," she mumbled before turning and sitting back on her place. 

She noticed that next up was Percy who looked plain astounded. However, he tossed a portion of his food and closed his eyes quietly praying. 

Once he was done, he suddenly turned around catching her staring at him. She was a little embarrassed but smiled nonetheless at him. 

Percy smiled back, sheepishly mouthing a 'sorry'

It took her a minute to realize that he was probably apologizing for the bathroom incident but by then he was already back at the Hermes Table.

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