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Aurora could not remember the walk upto the throne room. As much as she would try, the walk would feel like a blur. Maybe due to the fear. Maybe due to the million thoughts going through her brain. Maybe due to the fact that she was only staring at the marble door in front of her, she didn't know. But she couldn't remember the walk. Or maybe it was the fact that on seeing Hades, everything else evaporated from her brain. 

Aurora had seen gods before, even Hades. But she felt as though she was seeing a God for the first time. 

He was at least ten feet tall, for one thing, and dressed in black silk robes and a crown of braided gold. His skin was albino white, his hair shoulder-length and jet black. He wasn't bulked up like Ares, but he radiated power. He lounged on his throne of fused human bones, looking lithe, graceful, and dangerous as a panther. He radiated power and Aurora could sense something under the radiating power. A current of rage and anger. And something even underneath that, but it was so powerful and so deep and so raw that Aurora felt that if she even tried to decipher it, she would be crushed by the sheer power of his emotions. 

"Lord Hades," she said, bowing. She had never thought of bowing before, even before Thanatos. But Hades' power was something else. 

Hades stared at her, his dark eyes peering at her. She swallowed but met them, bravely and ocean blue clashed with the darkest of black.

"So... the daughter of Eros comes before me," he began, slowly. Aurora swallowed. 

"You know my father," she managed to squeak out, quietly. She hoped it sounded more confident than she thought it did.  

Hades threw his head back and laughed but neither was it pleasant now warm. It was cold and amused but Aurora could still sense the rage burning. 

"Why do you come here, godling? Your search for my helm in my realm? Do you assume it hides behind my throne? Or in Cerberus' stomach? Do you not think for a moment that I might have found it already if it were here?"

Aurora felt her cheeks burn in shame. Every word Hades just said was right in every way. She was supposed to look for the helm but instead she ended up in the Underworld, the one place it would surely not be in. She swallowed.

"I was following my prophecy."

Hades stared at her in utter contempt and Aurora knew that if he wanted, he could just squish her like a bug right now. 

"Eros did sire quite a useless demigod. I suppose I can't do anything about it. But you, you are certainly of great use to me."

Aurora knew what would come next. Thanatos had warned her about Hades' plan to use her as leverage. She just had to convince him to use her the way she wanted him to. 

"I don't understand," she said, looking up, innocently, hoping she looked confused enough to convince him. 

"I'll offer you a deal, Child of Love. Your friends, the Son of Poseidon and his allies make their way here. Alecto tells me that they... especially him carry a great deal of... affection for you."

 Aurora blinked slightly at how constipated he looked as he spat out the word affection. 

"I want my helm back and I want the one who stole it to burn in Hells of my realm. Which means the Son Of Poseidon will have to die when he comes here. But I have heard that he can be... slippery. To avoid that, you are what I need."

"So, you want to use me as hostage?"

Hades met her eyes with his deep black ones.

"Not too scared, are you?"

"It's a stupid idea," Aurora said boldly not breaking the eye contact though her stomach felt as though it was freezing slowly.

Hades raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming across his face. "Really? And why do you say so?"

"Do you really think that Percy cares more about me than Sally Jackson, his mother? If you should use me for anything, you could use me as your spy. My quest is to return your helm to you, Lord Hades. Our missions are the same. I can help you."

The Lord of the Underworld did not change his expression, but he didn't speak either. Aurora too this as a sign of interest.

"I'm not your enemy, Lord Hades. You may hate all demigods for they cause you immense annoyance, but this is a matter of your helm. Your symbol of power. Of course, you can't do anything but sit here and fume angrily and send your stupid Furies to do your job, but they aren't very smart either. I am. I can find your helm. The thief of the bolt and the helm is one and the same person. And Percy will find the bolt. All I have to do is stick with them to find who the thief is. If you let me off with them, I will find the helm." Aurora's legs felt like jelly after the monologue. She hoped desperately that it would convince Hades. 

Hades stared for a moment before throwing his head back and letting out a booming laugh. 

"You speak well, daughter of Eros. Perhaps I underestimated you. And I would be a fool to not see that you make some... valid points." 

Aurora didn't say anything, willing herself to stay calm as the ice in her stomach felt as though it was spreading everywhere.

"However, do you really think that I'm that big of a fool to send you free with your friends with an empty promise?"

The words which tumbled out of Aurora's mouth next were not even expected by her. "Then I'll swear it on the Styx."

A blank look passed over the god's face briefly before his expression smoothed out. He raised his eyebrow. "Do you know how big an oath on the River Styx is foolish girl?"

"I know. And I shall do it. I shall swear it by the River Styx. "

Hades quietened for a moment before speaking again and his words left Aurora sick to the stomach, the ice shattering.

"Swear to be my champion."

"I'm sorry."

"Swear by the River Styx, Aurora Black that you shall be my champion. I shall agree to your plan if you shall do so. I swear that by the River Styx and by my mother, Rhea. You will return my helm to me, and I will not bother you after that." Hades boomed, making her flinch slightly. 

"No. You will bother me. For otherwise you would never ask me to be your champion," she muttered, her voice soft but cold.

"You have no choice. Or else you will stay here as my hostage. Would you prefer that?"

Aurora opened her mouth and closed it again, knowing she had to comply. There was no other way out.

"Fine. I shall be your champion," she said, her voice steely, fear coursing through her veins but not appearing on her face. 

Hades stared at her, his eyes piercing, and she took a deep breath.

"I swear by the River Styx, Lord Hades, that I shall be your champion."

Thunder boomed from outside and a strange sensation passed through Aurora. She wondered if she had made a huge mistake and as she saw Hades's eyes, swirling with strange emotions too large for her to process, she couldn't help but feel that this was just the beginning.

"Well, Godling," Hades spoke. "It seems as though we have a deal."

(a/n: short chapter for such a long break i know. I'm a horrible author. I promise that Percy will be in the next chapter though. That's for sure. Also 9500 reads? I love you guys!! I'm so proud!! Anyways hope you'll are not too disappointed. Enjoy the chapter, y'all)

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