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"Hey, kids," Ares said, seeming genuinely pleased to see them. "You'll were supposed to die." 

"You tricked me," Percy hissed. "You stole the helm and the master bolt."

"And me too. You sent me on a wild goose chase. You tricked me as well." Aurora added.

Ares grinned. "Well, now, I didn't steal them personally. Gods taking each other's symbols of power that's a big no-no. But y'all not the only heroes who can run errands."

"Who did you use? Clarisse? She was there at the winter solstice," Percy asked.

Aurora scoffed at that. "No way. Even Clarisse will not stoop that low. She has her honor," she answered. "And besides....  Ares would never risk it. Whoever stole it must be a master of tricks and treachery. A child of Hermes perhaps? Or Eris?"

Ares for a slight movement looked surprised and impressed before his expression schooled to mild amusement. "Doesn't matter. The point is, kids, you'll are impeding the war effort. See, you'll were supposed to die in the Underworld. Then Old Seaweed and Arrow Boy will be mad at Hades for killing you. Especially, Eros. The only thing preventing Zeus from smiting you, little Black, is his wrath. Anyways, Corpse Breath would have Zeus's master bolt, so Zeus'll be mad at him. And Hades is still looking for this ..."

From his pocket he took out a ski cap-the kind bank robbers wear-and placed it between the handlebars of his bike. Immediately, the cap transformed into an elaborate bronze war helmet.

Aurora swallowed. The helm. She had to return it to Hades before sundown. Or else.... well... not only would Hades kill Sally Jackson, but Zeus's wrath which her father was holding back would explode. Upon both her and Percy. She had almost forgotten the fact that Zeus still blamed her. Her mind had been caught up with the prophecy and the debt and her oath to Hades. 

"The helm of darkness," Grover gasped.

"Exactly," Ares said. "Now where was I? Oh yeah, Hades will be mad at both Zeus and Poseidon, because he doesn't know who took this. Pretty soon, we got a nice little three-way slugfest going."

Aurora's heart thumped a little. Ares probably had no idea what had just taken place in the Underworld. He must assume that they had escaped. 

"But they're your family!" Annabeth protested.

Ares shrugged. "Best kind of war. Always the bloodiest. Nothing like watching your relatives fight, I always say."

Aurora raised her eyebrows. Something wasn't adding up here. "So, you Ares... the most impulsive God I know, planned this very elaborate plan... on your own just to see.... your father and uncles fight? To see blood spill?"

Something shifted in Ares's eyes as though his mind had gone elsewhere before he growled. "Don't underestimate me, girlie. As a God of War, I do plan before I strike. I make plans just as well as the blonde's mother, Athena."

Aurora could see Annabeth hold a scoff at that. The Ares cabin were the last to make a plan. 

"You gave me the backpack in Denver," Percy said. "The master bolt was in there the whole time."

"Yes and no," Ares said. "It's probably too complicated for your little mortal brains to follow, but the backpack is the master bolt's sheath, just morphed a bit. The bolt is connected to it, sort of like that sword you got, kid. It always returns to your pocket, right?"

Aurora glanced at Percy who was listening intently. As Ares talked to Percy, she inched a little closer to the helm.

"Anyway," Ares continued, "I tinkered with the magic a bit, so the bolt would only return to the sheath once you reached the Underworld. You get close to Hades.... Bingo, you got mail. If you died along the way-no loss. I still had the weapon." 

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