Chapter 2: Sunday Dinner?

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I'm woken up by my alarm at seven in the morning.

After Axel's phone call, I couldn't fall asleep right away. He didn't text me when he got to his friend's house, so I worried a little. 

He's drunk and just forgets

I internally groan, even if he's a shit bother, I don't want him dead somewhere on the subway. 

I text him and get no reply.

He's probably just sleeping.

I ease my thoughts as I get ready for my first piano lesson of the day. My first student has a lesson at 8 am. Her name is Meredith, and she's six years old, around the same age when I started playing.

I do my morning routine and drink my first coffee of the day as I sit at my piano in my living room, waiting for Meredith and writing out a piece of music I want her to sight-read. 

I hear my phone vibrate.

I quickly reach for my phone and see a text from Axel.

I don't read it. I go straight to dialling his number. I sit on my piano bench as my phone rings. I hear Axel pick up, and I can tell he just woke up. He grunts into the phone.

"Axel, I've been worried. You were supposed to let me know when you got home".

I'm not expecting my brother to have sympathy because when we were younger, Axel would call Ariana or me drunk or high and ask us to cover for him when he would sneak out or come home late.

"Sorry, Mayella." He said in a groggy voice. 

"I got home not long after I ended the call with you, the second I got to my friends place I crashed on the couch and I just woke up now."

I let out a sigh. I was worried for nothing. 

"Well I'm glad you're not dead." I replied.

I know Axel is 25 and has a job and responsibilities; therefore, he can take care of himself, but he's still my brother.

I check the time on my phone and see that it's 7:53, Meredith will be here soon. 

"Axel, you know that I would absolutely love nothing more than to talk with you on the phone for hours about life, girls, and your Jennifer Lawrence obsession, but, unfortunately, one of my students will be here soon, so I gotta go," I say sarcastically.

Axel giggles, and I expect him to say goodbye and hang up, but he doesn't; instead, he says,

"I know you're busy, so this will only be quick but have you thought about coming home with me today? I know I mentioned it on the phone last night. I was only planning to be in New York yesterday and heading home this afternoon. Why don't you come home with me and spend the rest of the weekend in Boston? Mom and Dad miss you, and so does Ari. Dad is having dinner with some important people Sunday night, and the families are invited, so Ari and I will be sleeping in our old rooms tonight for dinner tomorrow. It will be like when we were younger, when we all slept under the same roof."

I scrunch my nose and stare at the wall in front of me. My parents always bug me about coming home, so... maybe spending the rest of the weekend will be okay? My Dad always has dinners with people for work, and sometimes the families come too. When I was younger, I would go to many of these dinners, but around 13, I started to show a disinterest in going to these kinds of things, and by 14, my parents stopped asking me to come. I would stay home with Rosa while Axel, Ariana, Mom, and Dad would go on business trips, galas, dinners, red-carpet events and parties. I graduated high school a year early, secretly applied to colleges, moved out by 17 and haven't spent a full night back since. So, to hear Axel ask me to come home now, on a random weekend, is.... a little odd.

I'm not stupid, this dinner must be important and mean something.

Axel is still waiting for my answer.

"Axel, this is.... a little out of the blue, don't you think?" I decide to be straight-up.

"You barely talk to me, and in less than 24 hours, we've spoken twice." I take a breath. "Why are you asking me to come home for a work dinner? The last time anyone asked me to go to one of these things was years ago, so why now?"

I wait for what feels like a lifetime for my brother's response.

"You're right; we don't talk much. Look, Mayella, we don't have a great relationship, and I know you have a rocky past with Mom and Dad and Ari too, but I know they want you to come around more. We all do. We're older now, and things are different. We know you're happy on your own and we understand why you left... well, kinda, but I speak for all of us when I say  that we miss having you around, so it's your choice; come if you want to or don't, but the offer is there."

I look down at my hand lying on my lap. I'm nervous, and I really want to pick my nails.  Axel's words are somewhat promising, but I don't really believe the whole "we miss having you around part" because it didn't seem like they even liked having me around most of my life.  

"I'll think about it," I say. "Can I call you back in an hour after the lesson? My student should be here any second."

"Of course. If you decide to come, I'll have my driver pick you up at 1."

"Okay," I say to my brother. "I'll call you later." 

A short little Chapter 2!

Peace out!


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