Stay a little more with me ❤️

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After taking rest for about 2 hours Payu wakes up...

His baby was sleeping on his chest...

Payu kisses Rain forehead...

What did you do to me..??? That I have fallen in love with you like crazy...!!!

Payu then gets up from the bed and leaves Rain to sleep for sometime time and goes down to kitchen...

He prepares the dinner and takes everything in a tray back to the bedroom...

He keeps the tray on bedside table...

Then Payu pecks on Rain lips and slowly calls...

Rain..!!! My darling... wake up....

Rain opens his slowly...

First thing he does when he opens his eyes was to open his arms for Payu...

Payu hugs him...

Payu : Baby dinner is ready...
come get up I'll feed you...

Rain : When did you wake up and prepared the dinner.... Why did you not wake me up...???

Payu : You were cutely sleeping and your body is completely sore... so I did not want to wake you up...

Common now have this...

Rain was so happy to be treated like this from his lover...

Payu feeds him... wipes his lips and makes him go drink water...

Rain : I love you...

Payu : I love you tooo....

Rain : I don't want to go home now...

Payu : Who told you to go... am not leaving you to go home in this position....

I will call aunt and let her know that your here with me...

Rain : What if she asks why..???

Payu : She won't ask... don't worry...

Later Payu calls Rain mom and informs her that Rain is here with me and he will be staying over here...

Rain mom was obviously so happy she doesn't ask anything and says okay okay 👍

After sometime of flirting...

Payu : Baby come I'll give you bath...

Rain : Why..???
Why will you give me bath..???
Am not small kid...
I will take bath my self...

Payu : So you don't want me to come take bath with you...

Rain : No...

Payu : Look into my eyes and say no again...

Rain : Okay okay... fine let's go together for bath...
But no mischief...
My body is already sore...

Payu : Okay I won't do anything...

Finally Payu carries Rain in bridal style to bathroom...

They were sitting in shower completely naked...

As promised Payu doesn't do any mischief as he was aware Rain was already sore everywhere...

He gives him a warm bath and again carries Rain back to bedroom...

Rain was sitting on the bed..
Hugging Payu's waist...

My heartless sweetheart 😍Where stories live. Discover now