No choice but work together ☹️

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Both Payu and Rain had given their first project.. which they should work together..

All these were actually plan of their parents.. to make Payu and Rain work with each other and stop hating each other..

Next day Rain again comes first to office..
Manager Lee tells him that today there will be a meeting in which you and Payu should sit and discuss about the upcoming new project...

Rain waits for so long in meeting room still Payu had not come...

Finally Rain gets angry and tells Dia to call Payu and ask him where he is...

Dia calls and Payu tells he is on the way and will be there in 10min..

Finally Payu reaches office and goes inside the meeting room..

Rain was full angry..

Rain : Don't you have time sense..??
We are waiting here for you from an hour...

Payu : It's my wish to come early or late..
Don't question me...

Now manager Lee interrupts and says...

Okay okay fine calm down will start the meeting now...

Meeting was going on when Payu starts to flirt with Dia..

Rain : Payu...!!! Will you concentrate here

Payu : What's your problem..???
I know what's going on here and am listening...😏😏😏

Lee : Will you both stop bickering with each other like this or else I will have no choice to call your dads and inform them about how you both are acting...

Finally both Rain and Payu concentrates on the meeting and everything was decided..

Payu and Rain had to work together about each every minute..

They had to work together and complete the project...

Payu smirks at Rain and Rain gives Payu a irritated look...

Lee : You both can start working from today itself and each and every progress in the project will be noted down by me and reported to your dads...

Saying this Lee leaves...

Payu : My dad did not have anyone in this world and made me to work with him...😠

Rain : Yeah as if am eagerly waiting to work with you...
If there was any other chance I would work with a stranger but not you 😠

Finally both decides to work...

Payu and Rain both puts their heart and soul to this project...

Payu was working in the meeting room when Rain goes to store room to collect some files which were needed...

The pile of files were so much and Rain carries all the files together and reaches the door of meeting room...

When Payu see Rain who was about to trip and fall...because he was carrying so many files..

Payu approaches Rain and holds his waist when Rain was tripping...

Rain : Ass hole take your stupid hands from my waist...

Payu now gets angry... he just helped Rain from falling but he called him ass hole...

Payu : Fine...!!! Then fall
And takes off his hand from Rain waist...

Rain falls down on the floor with all the files on top of him...

Payu laughs at him...

Rain : Idiot... 😠😠😠.
Rain stands up and starts to rub his ass...

My heartless sweetheart 😍Where stories live. Discover now