Rain is sick 🤒 and Payu is worried..!

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Next day morning Rain wakes up... now his head was hurting so much....

His body was feeling little warm...

He was so lazy to get up from bed... but he missed office one day so he somehow wakes up and freshens up...

He goes down to dining table...

Rain mom : What happened my baby you look so dull...

Rain : Nothing Ma... might be still in some hangover... and my head hurts...

Rain mom : Take rest then ...

Rain : No that's okay... I will be fine... I will go to office...

Rain eats his breakfast and leaves to office...

He sits in his cabin.. his head starts to hurt so much... His body was warming up...

Rain did not feel like going out of his cabin...
And mainly bump into Payu...

So he stays in his cabin...

Payu was in his cabin...

His eyes was fixed at Rain cabin... which was opposite to his cabin..

He wanted see Rain and just check how he was feeling...

But Rain did not even come out of his cabin...

Payu waits for 2 hrs... he could not wait more...

He calls Dia and asks her to go check on Rain...

Dia goes inside Rain cabin and see that Rain was fully sweating and his face was dull...

Dia: What happened to you Rain sir...

Rain : Nothing.. am having bit fever that's all..

Dia comes back to Payu and tells that Rain was fully sweating and his face was dull...

He also said that he is having bit fever...

Payu now runs to Rain cabin...

Rain was resting his head on the table..

Payu touches Rain and could feel his body was burning...

Rain wakes up...

Rain : Why the hell did you come here now...

Did not I tell you not to show your face to me..

Payu : Rain your sick.. your having fever...
Why did you come to office..???

Rain : See Payu don't bug me... it's my wish to come to office or not..

Payu : Did you take medicine..??

Rain : I don't have necessity to answer your questions...

Payu : Rain am asking you once again...
Did you take medicines...

Rain : No... can you hear it... No
I did not take... now please get out of my cabin...

Payu goes out and brings some fever relief medicine...

Payu : Rain get up here have this tablets..

Rain : why the hell did you come back...???
And I don't want any medicines...

Payu : Rain stop acting stubborn like this...

Take this tablet and go home take rest...

Rain : I don't need it...

Payu now takes the glass of water and pulls Rain face... makes him go open his mouth and puts tablet inside his mouth...

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