Rain's feelings 🥰

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It was morning and Rain wakes up... his head was hurting from hangover...

He opens his eyes... he could see that he was in Payu's room...

He quickly checks if he had clothes on him...

And he was in the same clothes which he wore yesterday...

Now he quickly turns to check Payu...

But Payu was not on the bed... he was not even in the room...

Rain gets up from the bed and checks in bathroom but Payu was not found there also...

Rain comes downstairs...to living room..

When he saw Payu sleeping on the couch...

Payu was in the same clothes as yesterday...

Rain now understands that Payu slept here on couch...

Rain goes near Payu... he sit next to Payu on the couch...

Payu was in deep sleep...

Rain starts to look at Payu...

Payu was looking so beautiful while sleeping...

His long eye lashes... his beautiful mole next to his lips all were so attractive...

Rain starts stare at Payu lips now...

He remembers the nite they made love..
He remembers the day when both kissed when it was raining...
He also remembers yesterday nite when Payu told the he was jealous and kissed him...

Rain felt like touching those lips which kissed him...

Payu was his first kiss... so he wanted to touch those beautiful lips and feel those lips...

But Rain was scared... what if he wakes up...!!!

Rain waves his hand on Payu face... but no reaction from Payu...

Rain again wanted to make sure...

He calls out...

Payu ...!!! Payu...!!!

But no reply from Payu at all...

He was so deeply sleeping with a low snore..!!! 😴😴😴😴

Rain now touches Payu lips...
He caresses it...

Payu lips was so soft...

Rain could not resist he wanted to feel those lips now...

He slowly gets close to Payu lips and kisses those lips gently...

Payu gives a small moan like hmmmm...

Rain got scared and gets back to his place...

He sits and admires Payu's beauty for sometime...

After sometime finally Payu opens his eyes...

To see Rain sitting on the same couch where Payu was sleeping...

Payu : What happened Rain... why are you sitting here...??

Suddenly Rain did not know how to react...

Rain : Cozz... that...

Payu : What Rain...??

Rain : Am hungry...🤣

Payu : Oh... you should have woke me up...
I would have prepared something for you...

Rain : But you were sleeping...

Payu : Okay fine give me sometime I will prepare something for you...

Payu gets up goes to room and freshen up then he goes to kitchen...

My heartless sweetheart 😍जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें