Rain wants the reason for Payu jealousy 🤔

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After missing each other whole weekend...

Finally it was Monday...

In the office...

Rain had only one thing questioning in his mind now...

Does Payu gets jealous every time if someone is close to me or is it just for Loth he got jealous...???

Rain was so eager to find out...

Today Payu was late...

Both were dying to see each other's faces...

When Payu comes inside meeting room...
Rain felt so happy to see his face...

Payu also finally felt so happy... coz he missed him so much past 2 days on weekend...

But same as always they do not speak to each other...

Rain now has a master plan..

He wants answer about Payu jealousy so he was ready to take risk...

He decides to be close with some people in front of Payu... and can see how he reacts...

After the meeting was over... Rain wantedly trips and falls over his secretary Jose...

Jose by no other chance.. holds Rain by his waist...

Payu was right in front of them...

Payu eyes becomes furious...

Payu goes to Rain and pulls him towards him..

Payu : Rain..!!! Can't you see while walking...

Rain : I did but don't know how I tripped..

Payu had no other option to say...

Hmmm... okay...!!!

Rain was so happy seeing Payu getting jealous over Jose also....

Everyone were getting ready to go to lunch...

When Rain goes near Jose... and asks...

Rain : Jose..??? Come have lunch with me..!!

Payu was there and gets angry again..

Payu : I'll also come...

Rain : But you usually have lunch with Dia rite...???

Payu : No today am coming with you...

Rain : Okay fine...

Payu goes along with Rain and Jose to lunch..

Rain : why are you eating so less.. Jose..???

Come here I'll put more rice for you..

And was about to put rice from his bowl...

Payu was irritated now...

Payu : Here take rice from my bowl..

Rain : It's okay I will give it...

Payu : Don't you listen when I say something...
And gives a very irritating look...

Rain was completely happy seeing Payu getting jealous...

Now Rain was sure... Payu gets jealous of anyone close to him...

He just wanted to get the answer now that why is Payu jealous..???

Asking him directly is of no use...

Obviously he won't answer it...

My heartless sweetheart 😍حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن