Payu's answer 😍

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Payu dragged Rain and pushed him towards the wall...

Rain : Payu leave my hand... your hurting me...

Payu was so angry that he doesn't leave Rain hands and tightens the grip more...

Payu : Why did you come here...???
When I clearly told you not to come...

Rain : That's my wish Payu...

Payu : Rain please don't get on my nerves..
I told you not to come with that ass hole Loth...

Rain : Am not understanding you...
I told you I will be going and it's all up to me with whom I should go and what I should do...

Payu : Rain seriously please don't make me more mad...

I told you I would bring you here...

Rain : Why the hell your getting angry and what is the reason your getting angry now...

Am asking you so many times but your not ready to answer me...

There should be a reason to get jealous and get mad like this...

I want the answer today...

Or else I will go do what ever I want and I will go with whom ever I want...

Payu now was holding Rain hands so tight...

Rain : Payu leave my hand... it's hurting so much..

Payu finally leaves Rain hand...

Payu : Fine go...
Go do whatever you want...
Go with anyone and do anything...

Rain : Payu your not answering my questions..

I asked... why are you angry and why are you getting jealous...

Payu : I told you before...
I told you that I don't know...

Rain : That's not an answer...
Your avoiding my questions...

Answer me... look into my eyes...
I want answer....

Payu : Fine...!! Fine...!!

"I LIKE YOU"...!!!!!

Am starting for fall for you...!!!!

Your making me crazy...

Am getting jealous because I can't see you close with anyone else than me...

Am getting angry because I LIKE YOU got it...

Rain was 😳😳😳
He was speechless...

Rain : Payu don't play around with me...

Payu : Do I look like am playing here...
Am being serious here...

Payu gets close to Rain face..

He holds Rain waist and pulls him closer towards him...

Payu : Rain the day we made love when we were drunk...
I was not sure what was happening... I was just attracted towards you...

I did not know what I was feeling...

But when I see you close with other it's making my blood boil...

You know your lips always tempt me...

Am getting lost over your lips...

Your eyes and the way you look at me...

All these are making me crazy over you...

To be honest I hated you before... but after making love you...
I don't know I feel like protecting you...

My heartless sweetheart 😍Where stories live. Discover now