My baby is possessive 😟

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Finally Rain was moved in with Payu...

Payu was so happy that he did not give Rain any work...

He just cuddled with him day and night..

It was weekend and some of Payu friends came to see him...

There was a girl name Lilly and 2 boys Sam and Luke...

All 3 came to visit Payu..

At home Payu and Rain were watching tv and cuddling with each other...

When they were interrupted by Payu friends...

Rain goes to open the door...

When he opened the door he was confused...

Payu friends: hello we are Payu friends...
Is Payu in...

Rain takes them to Payu...

All the 3 hugs Payu so tightly...

And starts to speak non stop with Payu...

Rain was getting angry now...

Payu : Wait here let me bring some juice to you all...

Rain : You sit and speak... let me bring it...

Lilly : By the way Payu... you did not tell who is this..???

Payu : Oh sorry he is Rain my boyfriend...!!!

Payu friends: Boyfriend...!!! 😳😳😳😳

You never told us...

Payu : Yeah we all did not meet from so long right...!!!

Rain goes in to kitchen to bring juice...

He was so angry... first of all they ruined his precious time with Payu and now speaking with Payu non stop...

Rain gives juice to all and sit next to Payu on the left...

Lilly suddenly goes and sits next to Payu in the right side...

Lilly: Oh Payu your hairs have grown so long and touches it..

Payu gets uncomfortable and tries to avoid it...

Now Rain was so jealous...
He doesn't like anyone except him touching Payu hairs...

After few minutes of chatting finally all Payu friends decides on going to dinner tonight...

Payu without any choice agrees it as they met after long time...

Sam : Hey Payu bring your boyfriend also...

Payu : Sure...

Luke : Okay then let's all meet at dinner...

And all the 3 leaves...

Rain was so angry 😠

Payu : Baby what happened why your face is like that...

Rain : why did you agree for dinner...

You said you will spend time with me...😠

Payu : Baby am really sorry.. they met me after long time and I could not reject them...

Rain turns his face in angry..

Payu : Look at me na please...

Rain has a plan now...

Rain turns to Payu... and starts to kiss his neck...

He unbuttons 2 button of Payu shirt and he bites Payu chest...

My heartless sweetheart 😍Where stories live. Discover now