Chapter 26⚠️Nudity⚠️

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After we got (Y/N) out of Nadia's cage, Kalim lead the way to his bathroom, catching many curious look from the other servants working but he "Joyfully" his find of a new friend in his tiger cage and how Nadia and her cubs instantly love their temporary roommate. (Y/N) looked ready to shift into something tiny to hide from the embarrassment but we arrived before she could.

"Jamil will stay here with you while I'll ask my Mother if she can call a tailor for you," Kalim says and runs off.

"Kalim wai-," I start but his already gone. I swear I hate it when he does that, it usually get me in trouble.

"Jamil, please stay with me," (Y/N) whispers and I quickly look over to her and my heart nearly broke. She must've been wearing a glamor over her scars because once I fully saw her arms it took me a moment to process what I was seeing.

Scars decorated every inch of her visible parts of her body leaving almost no un damaged skin. I suspect that Leona had something to do with encouraging her to lean on us for support from time to time and the best way to do that is to not give her pity.

"You're beautiful," I told her honestly because it's true. Seeing some of her scars only adds to her allure, like an impromptu classical concert.

She smiles softly at me and I made it my soul purpose in life to keep her happy and loved. I lead her into the bathroom and drew her a hot bubble bath in Kalim's pool size tub.

"I'm going to get you some clothes when you're out of your bath and take your dirty clothes to the laundry shoot," I tell her but she stops me with a gentle hand and I turn to her.

Her beautiful eyes that seem to flicker from Hazel to gold and back again, the silver serpent circlet glimmers in the sunlight reflecting the emerald the snakes seem to be protecting but that wasn't what caught my attention. It was the storm of emotions dancing in her eyes as she gazes at me, like she can sense my pain and anguish.

"You can be selfish with me," she says and I felt as if I was punched in the gut. "Bathe with me? Only if you want you... it's your choice."

"After I get you some cloth-," I start the bathroom door swings open to reveal Kalim with a bundle of clothing in his arms.

"I'm back, mother and father wishes to meet you after your finished bathing," he says with that stupidly oblivious smile but it falter when his eyes land on her arms and pity fills his features. "Who did this to you?"

(Y/N) looked down at her arms and sighs before pulling off her shirt, her back facing us and my heart nearly broke.

"If you think my arms are bad, my back and chest has the worst of it, but I'll clarify one thing. I'm not a murderer despite what some people say, I was following the laws for Creature Inheritances," she says then explains what law she had to follow and the prosecution she had to endure because of it.

Kalim just pulled her into a hug but everything in me was screaming to punch him. She's mine, he can't have her. It didn't take long for her words to register... she killed someone because of her creature inheritance.

"What law were you following," Kalim ask as he takes a seat at the edge of the tub. (Y/N) looked shocked by this, like it's the first time anyone actually believes her outside of her friends.

"I'll tell you two the full story after I get into the bath," she says after composing herself. "I think you'll fit in nicely among my closest friends... I'm sorry I didn't get your name."

Quickly he turns his back to her and and introduce himself and I was about to do the same (turning my back part) when she stops me as she slowly removing my hoodie. I could feel my cheeks heat up from embarrassment but it was pretty obvious that she need comfort. Her beautiful hazel eyes seems almost dim now than before and she's trembling so hard. Probably fighting back a panic attack, I thought.

So I quickly undressed myself and scooped her into my arms. She's so light, not a normal healthy light but years of abuse and now receiving the proper care light. I quickly push those thoughts away as the two of us settle in the bath, the warm water and bubbles covering our bare bodies from Kalim's sight.

Soon, (Y/N) begins explaining the different mating laws for creatures inheritance and the one she had to follow as a preferred shapeshifter. As she talks and break off to explain other terms, I carefully wash her body and hair while I learn about her world. As fantastic as it might sound on the surface, the British Ministry of Magic is surprisingly harsh on it's magical community making it almost illegal learn anything which in turn makes crimes against non magical people extremely high.

"So if you were to pick someone who isn't your soulmate to be your mate, whoever you pick has to challenge your next of kin to a Yeild or death match," Kalim asks and (Y/N) just nods. I could but pale at the thought of Kalim try to become my little jasmine's mate, I couldn't stomach it. I'd rather get eaten by a tiger than share my jasmine with that spoiled brat.

"That particular law was written by the great Merlin himself since he was a preferred shifter. According to Creature Inheritance and their Magical Significance, that law was entirely based on the instincts to prove that the selected mate are capable of protecting and caring for the shifter. If they live, the other soulmates must accept them as capable enough to care and protect the shifter and their young," she says before slipping under the water to rinse out the shampoo from her messy dark locks. When she emerges from the water I couldn't resist kissing her, she's beyond the greatest gift I've ever received.

"My mate," I whisper to her.

She smiles as me before replying, "No matter how far apart we are from each other, you're mine... every single one of you."

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