Chapter 30

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I stared at (Y/N)'s door as what she says sinks in to my heart. She thought that I had it easier, when people only wanted to be my friends because I'm 'The-Boy-Who-Lived'. If it wasn't for (Y/N), I would probably befriended Ronald and never found my mates.

I stormed off to my room and shut the door as her words kept playing over and over in my head. I swore to protect her and stay by her side for as long as I can remember but lately it feels like we've grown apart. Anger filled my veins and my shift took over, setting my bed on fire.

My own sister wants to abandon me, after everything we've been through. And for what, a world with some random strangers? Are they strangers if they're she soulmates?

My anger quickly vanished when that question entered my mind. She's right, ever since we started living in the wizarding world everyone except for the people who truly cared about (Y/N), only acknowledged her when it involves her creature inheritance or how she's the royal heir of Slytherin which makes her a target of ridicule and spite. Why wouldn't she want to live somewhere where she's be respected and loved?

Tears rolled down my face as the shame of my unjustified rage towards my sister hit me. Even after she told me what the sorting hat told her about the Royal Heirs of Hogwarts and gave me a fireproof gold earring from the Scolding Sands Country...although she had to pierce my ear so I wear it.

Sirius barges into my room and casts an extinguishing spell on the flames that was still consuming my bed from my out burst. Oops.

"Bloody hell, Harry. What happened?"

So I quickly cast a privacy charm on my room and told Sirius about what I overheard from (Y/N), Draco, and Remus's conversation and how I felt about it. Surprisingly, Sirius was a good listener and despite his playful manner gave the best life advice.

"I understand where she's coming from, Harry," he says, "after everything you've two been through, it seems that our world has a twisted fixation on you alone. Hell even after my trial were I was finally cleared, people still say I murdered your parents."

I felt my shoulders sag in disappointment since he's telling me something that I already know. Maybe it's better to let her go so she can live the life she wants.

"But I also know that she won't just leave this world without asking us if we want to join her there. She's like your mother in that regard, she'll put your needs and wants above her own even if it means never being happy. She loves you, Harry and she'll never abandon you so don't go abandoning her."

Then Sirius pulls me into a hug and wipes away the tears I didn't know were falling down my face. We stayed like this for a long time until we heard a gentle knock on my door. With a gentle wave of my hand, a shit ton of focus since I'm not as good at wordless magic as (Y/N) and Draco, my bedroom door opens to reveal my sister holding a bundle of silks in emerald green.

"Hey, can I come in," she asks nervously and I nod.

She changed into the outfit she had on when she was in the Afterglow Savannah, gold and black patterns that compliments her new tan. She looks nervous about something and guilt eats at me for my reactions lately.

"I know that you probably don't want to hear this," she starts but I cut her off.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N) for how I've been treating you wherever you talk about your mates home world. I was scared of losing you...scared that you'll abandon me. I know it's silly to think that but every time you come back from your mates, I feel like you don't need your big brother to keep you save anymore."

(Y/N) looked stunned before she burst into laughter, which didn't help.

"Hey! Don't laugh," I growl at her at she raises her hands in surrender as she slowly gains composure.

"I'm not laughing at you, you dork. I'm laughing because I was feeling the same way ever since we started Hogwarts when you heard Tom. It's always been us against the world so it's feels weird to have more people who are important to us enter our lives," she says.

Now it's my turn to laugh, because she has a point. Never has anyone broken down our walls to see the damaged soul we are, until our soulmates. Now that job we've assigned ourselves to protect each other was lifted off our shoulders, it scares us in our own ways.

"So before we came to our sibling epiphany, I wanted to ask you something," she says before handing me the bundle of silks, "if given the choice, would you leave this world for another?"

"Only if my mates want to go," i replied.

She nods as if she expected this answer before changing the topic to our spontaneous summer trip. We decided that we wanted to go to Spain and Greece, thanks to Sirius's inputs. It felt so good to just be their for each other again, talking and sharing everything with each other.

She quickly drew my attention to the bundles of silks and encouraged me to try them on... although I couldn't but feel like she's trying to trap me. Begrudgingly I put on the clothes and despite the coverage and beauty of the outfit, I felt more naked than when I shift back to human form.

"I'm impressed that Quidditch help build up your core muscles," (Y/N) says just as Sirius snaps a picture of me. "I'm sure Draco will love it."

"You're evil," i tease and my sister gave me a mischievous grin that reminded me too much of Fred and George's grin.

"Enjoy eating dinner dressed like this, since everyone has something similar from me," she says and slips out.

By Merlin's Grace what did I do to deserve this?

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