Chapter 2

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Mrs. Malfoy lead the three of us to a teller and the four of us greeted the goblin, "Greeting your rise in power like the earth greets the rising sun."

"Greeting your rise in wealth like the shore greets the sea," the goblin replies, "how can I help you four today?"

"Mr and Ms. Potter have received a letter from their account manager about an important matter," Mrs. Malfoy says with an air of confidence (that I wish we had) and hand the goblin our letter.

The goblin quickly scans the letter and left us before retuning with a slightly older goblin.

"Greetings, I am Griphook the manager of the Potter vaults. Would the Potter Twin please follow me," the new goblin says.

"If it please you sir Griphook, would you allow us to have Lady Malfoy and her son join us? We know very little about this world," I ask remembering the importance of wizard titles according to Draco.

Griphook looks at us and nods before leading us to what I assume was his office.

~Time Skip~

We left the back with more shocking knowledge than what we arrived with. Apparently (Y/N) and I went through what is called a creature inheritance early, which only happens when you're creature senses you're endanger of dying. (Y/N) is the rarest creature which is a shapeshifter with a preferred form of a Basilisk while mine is just as rare which is a shapeshifter with a preferred form of a Phoenix.

We also learned that our parents' Will was ignored and had magical blocks and compulsion spells placed on us after the fall of the Dark Lord we "defeated" but according to the our magical status charts, our scar is a horcrux caused which was accidentally made do the lost of his sanity.

Thankfully we were able to get those removed and Lady Malfoy was kind enough to temporarily take over our guardianship until Remus Lupin was contacted or our Godfather was released from Azkaban since our Godmother isn't able to take care of us.

"Now that this matter has been dealt with, we should pick up your things from the muggle family you used to live with then pick up some books so you can understand our world a bit more," she says and my heart nearly stops.

"We don't have anything other than ourselves," I tell her honestly but (Y/N) quickly signs to me about the money she's been holding on to in case we decide to run away. "Except some muggle money that (Y/N) was holding on to for us," I corrected and Lady Malfoy nods then takes out hands

"Hold on tightly dears," she says and the next thing I know we're back at the Dursley's. I look over at her and Draco scarred that they might get attacked for dressing in their wizard robes but to my surprise, they were dressed like normal people. Draco was dressed in jeans and a snake tee shirt while Lady Malfoy was wearing a classy sundress.

"If Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia asks don't respond with anything magic related," I warned them and I rang the doorbell. I could tell (Y/N) was getting scared so I pulled her close into a comforting side hug.

The door opens to reveal Dudley who gave me an evil smirk before calling out, "MUMMY, DADDY, THE TWINS ARE BACK!"

The fucking brat, I snarled internally as the thunderous steps of an angry Uncle Vernon came ever closer.

"Where the he'll have you brats-," Uncle Vernon starts but stops when he noticed that we weren't alone.

"Hello Miss, I'm terribly sorry that my niece and nephew has inconvenience you," he fakes sympathize as he reaches out for us but Draco pulled us out of the man's reach and shoots him a glare.

"Touch them and my father will have you imprisoned," he spat but his mother places a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"Now Draco, that's not what we practiced. I apologize for my son's temper, he's very protective of people he cares about. May we come in," she says with the most realistic fake smile ever.

Uncle Vernon nods and let's us in the house that was our prison for as long as we could remember.

"Harry, (Y/N) why don't you show Draco your room and gather you things while I talk to you relatives," Lady Malfoy asks.

"Ok, Mrs. Narcissa. We'll be back shortly," (Y/N) said softly making my heart break a fraction.

We quickly lead Draco to our cupboard and he looks truly horrified as the realization settles in. But he quickly helped us gather our limited things into a worn backpack along with all the muggle money (Y/N) horded over the five years. Almost 606.64 pounds ($750 USD). Just as we were about to head back to the living room, Dudley stops us his attention solely on Draco.

"You don't want to be friends with these freaks," he starts but Draco ignored him, taking my and (Y/N)'s hands and pushing past the pig.

"I rather be friends with these two the a rotten pig like you, no call you a pig would be insulting the animal. You're nothing more than a disgusting slug that no one but you're parents could ever love," Draco says coldly as we continue back to the living room.

When we arrived we see Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia signing a piece of paper with a fountain pen with an evil glint in their eyes I didn't like but the look on Lady Narcissa's face settled my nerves immediately.

"Come along children, we have so much work to do," Lady Narcissa said with a practices calmness that told me that she was beyond furious with them.

Once we were outside of the Dursley's a great weight was lifted from my shoulders.. We're free.

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