Chapter 39

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"It's alright, sweetheart," mom coos as (Y/N) tells her what happened lately, including her lessons with Salazar Slytherin and the Great Seven of Twisted Wonderland.

Dad, on the other hand, looks ready to commit murder against (Y/N)'s mates despite being dead himself and it didn't help that Fred showed them the pictures of her when she came back from the Silk City in that erotic emerald and silver outfit.

"I personally want to meet these boys so I can properly see their intentions," Dad says and mom rolled her eyes.

"If you interrogate (Y/N)'s mates then do the same with Harry's. Treat them equally or you're sleeping on the spiritual couch tonight," mom says, "but I would like to meet these mates of yours sweetheart. Your mates will help balance out your magic that's strongly connected to your emotions."

I could help myself, I wanted to make my sister get flustered so her mind doesn't wonder back to what happened. She deserves to be truly happy, even if that means she's away from me.

"Actually, (Y/N) knows a spell to interact with her mates," I tell them and I could tell that if we weren't related I might be dead or petrified on the spot. "I'm sure her mates would love you meet you, Mom and Dad."

With a sigh, (Y/N) pulls out her mirror and does her signature spell so fluently, it's muscle memory now. Eight shards soon reveal her eight mates... Leona being completely shirtless in his bed, his soulmark of a colored Niffler rises and falls with his steady breathing.

"Holy Great Eight, save me," (Y/N) hissed in parseltongue just as Floyd calls out to my twin with his nickname for her.

"Greetings my pearl," Azul says as he and Jade look up from their book but their eyes widen at the our dead parents floating beside her. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, I'm Azul Ashengrotto. Beside me are Jade and his twin Floyd Leech."

That got Leona's attention because he quickly sat up, his ears twitching slightly as he pulls on a muscle shirt and leather vest.

"Greeting dearest," Princling says from his perch on what appears to be a roof among the start night sky. "I was unaware that you had the ability to bring back the dead."

"I don't think she brought them back but summoned their souls," Vil says as a makeup brush flutter over his cheekbone. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, I'm Vil Schoenheit. It's a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N) told us as much as she could about you both."

"It's a pleasure to meet the eight of you, I'm sorry but we've only just found out about you," mom says, "though I think it's mainly because of James."

"Hey," dad protests, "I only want to make sure our baby girl is treated well. Besides theses boys haven't proven themselves worth of our little hatchling."

"After everything she's been through, I know we'll be more than willing to rip the heavens apart for her," Jamil says while carrying four different trays of food.

"You better be taking the time to rest," (Y/N) warned and Jamil just smiles at her. "You are you first, Jamil."

"Great advice, little prey," Leona says as he plops back in bed, "ever use it yourself?"

"You look tired Harp Seal," Floyd says and his twin leans forward.

"My dear, have you been sleeping," Jade asks with concerns though he looks like he was scheming something.

"It's fine," (Y/N) tries to argue but Azul and Vil shot her a glare. "I've been getting nightly lessons from the Great Eight."

"WHAT," all of them exclaimed. "How?"

"That rose garden from that we thought was a dream, it's actually the Soul Realm and where shifters with soul marks can interact with previous shifters of their species and learn from them," (Y/N) explains. "The theory is that because of the strong connection the Great Eight share, they're inseparable."

"That makes since," Idia says as he looks up from his tablet. "Granted that your magical signatures are higher than the two princes in this call. If it's alright with you, I would like to study your magic levels."

Dad glares at the poor gamer who immediately shrinks into himself. Which makes me more nervous for his reaction to my mates or me being gay.

"James," mom says coldly and dad stiffens. "I'm sorry for my husband's reaction to you boys, he's a bit overly protective of our children since we've died. Please don't take too much offense to it."

"I-I-it's not a-a-a-an issue, M-m-m-mrs. Potter. I'm Idia Shroud, it's a p-p-p-p-pleasure to meet the wonderful woman who gave birth to my Persephone," Idia stutters and his hair burn a bright pink.

"Persephone," mom asks with a knowing smirk, "ironically enough, that was going to be (Y/N)'s name until we saw her."

"She was a fighter alright, gave Harry a bruise on the way out," Dad says and my twin and I both cringe.

"I'd figure she's a bit if a fighter," Leona says with a smile and all eight of them agreed. "She put a mouthy and arrogant advisers in his place when she stayed for dinner. And I'm Leona Kingscholar, it's a pleasure to meet you both."

"He had it coming, Leona," (Y/N) said with a huff. "He was treating you like a slave."

"Cheka refused to talk to him to this day," Leona says with a smile. "The chatterbox misses you, Little Prey."

"So we have: Leona, Jamil, Vil, Azul, Idia, Jade and Floyd," mom says as she puts faces to the names, "I believe, you my dear are the only one who hasn't given me a name."

Princling just chuckle when replies as my sister sighs, "Despite wanting to give my name, Mrs. and Mr. Potter, I believe it's more beneficial for my Dearest to know the real me over the rumors about me."

"That's kind of you," mom says at the same as dad scoffs.

"If you're worried about (Y/N)'s impression of you over the rumors then you don't know my daughter well," Dad states. "Especially when she and Harry have been victims of both positive and negative rumors before they returned to this world."

"I understand but many people who know my true identity have grown to fear me or despise me," the Fae prince counters and dad seems to understand.

But before dad could respond, he flickers in and out signaling time running out. The second con against the summoning spell, the first being that only Neutral Dark or Dark Core witches and Wizards can uses this spell.

Mom looks at us with teary eyes, reluctant to leave us again but she give the two of us a kiss on our scars.

"I love you both so much," she says. "Live a happier life with your love ones."

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