Chapter 37 ⚠️Mild Torture and Panic Attacks⚠️

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I came into a daily routine with (advance magic studies during classes in the morning with the addition of skipping DADAs class followed by a nightly meeting and lessons with the Great Eight of Twisted Wonderland.

"We'll done my dear," Queen Grimhilde says as I pluck a vibrant green apple from the cauldron that Salazar made appearance. "Now to test the treat, Hades please call forth your minions."

"PAIN! PANIC," Hades roared and two imps come tumbling towards us in a tangle. "Try the apple that our prodigy spelled."

I felt bad for testing my spells on each of the Seven's minion, with the exception of Flotsam and Jetsam since Ursula threatened to rip out my tongue if I did, but each of them encouraged me to test out my potions and spells in order to enroll in Night Raven Academy.

Pain volunteer to test the spell and I gave him the Granny Smith and watched as he bit into the plump green fruit then he collapsed to the ground with a loud snore.

"Wait for it," I said as Queen Grimhilde starts to turn a glare in my direction. Then the screaming began after a long moment as Pain started writhing and screaming in pure agony making her smile cruelly.

"Well done my dear," Grimhilde says as she begins to comb out my hair... the closest thing to affection she'll give me.

"I'm impressed how bright you are, my dear," Jafar says, "smarter that that brat Jasmine and her father."

"You flatter me too much, Jafar," I argue with a blush. "Im not that smart."

"You poor, sweet, kindhearted child," Ursula purrs as she strokes my cheek with a tentacle earning a glare from Grimhilde. "You give yourself too little credit, look at us. It took everyone here into our adult years to master our skills that you mastered in weeks."

"She's absolutely right, snakelet," Salazar says as he and Scar walk over from their tea with Mary. "You're extremely bright, almost as bright as Merlin himself yet you keep belittling yourself."

I shrug as Pain finally falls still as he struggles to wake up from the spell. Panic looked over his friend worriedly but I focused my attention on the counter curse I was muttering. Within moments, the apple bite comes flying out of pain's mouth and his open wounds from the curse finally closes up.

"You all praise me too much," I tried to argue but Scar pins me to the ground.

"Enough of that, I appreciate your humility but even I can see your worth," he says as his claws sink into my shoulder. "Who made you believe you're less than deserving?"

Memories flashed across my eyes before I close stop them. Uncle Vernon towering over us purple faced with rage, Dudley beating me black and blue just for fun, Ronald and his cronies hexing me in between classes when I'm alone, Dumbledore verbal attacks. Their words echo in my mind as I struggled to grip on to reality.

"Kid," a voice says clearly in my mind over the other voices, calm but kind. "It's ok, you're safe here. I need you to breathe."

I followed the voice's instructions as slowly the memories faded away to reveal each of the Great Eight staring at me, sadness and understanding displayed on their features.

"In this place," Salazar says as he gestures to the rose garden with a scaled hand. "Our pasts can be shared to anyone you build a strong bond with, Merlin's son Arthur called this place The Soul Realm. I can't speak for everyone but the Soul Realm also allow Shapeshifters who have soulmate marks to learn from other shifters of their preferred form."

It took me a moment to realize that I was in someone's embrace and I looked to find Hades gently petting my head as Jafar gently plucked loose scales from my face and arms.

"I think because of how closely connect we are to you Sal," Ursula says, "and how much this precious sea star need to be reminded of love is how we got here."

"We were barely liked by the people of our past let alone loved," Scar hissed but Maleficent pet his mane.

"A valid reason for us to show this child what we were denied," She says as she waves her staff and a blanket appears around me and Hades. "And in a selfish way, we may finally receive the love we've craved for."

"My mates barely know some of my past I've been through," I mutter softly. Maleficent smiles sadly and Hades just holds me.

"Hestia would weep if she knew what those mortals did to you and your brother, hell I'm surprised that my niece hasn't come to you," Hades says after a long moment of silence.

"Which niece, you married one of them," Scar taunts which earns him a tail tug by Panic.

"No fighting," I said as exhaustion washes over me, "I should try to get some sleep or else I'll get cornered my Lockhart before lunch."

"Sleep well, my dear," Ursula says and slowly the garden and everyone in it begins to fade away.

I pace my office annoyed with that imbecile Lockhart. He can't even properly keep that girl away from Harry for more than five seconds but thankfully my backup plan is in motion.

Thankfully that idiot Lucius Malfoy was so desperate to bring back "his Dark Lord" that he would slip Tom's Diary into Ginny's basket like I suggested. Soon that monster will rise again and kill (Y/N) Potter then Harry with fall under my influence like he was supposed to then my master will have a body and cleanse this world.

It was so easy get that Mudblood brat Tom to believe that I was the caring Professor that he wanted and after he at the lemon drops it was even easier to make him the Dark lord everyone feared.

Soon master, Harry Potter will become your vessel you need in order to rise again.

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