Chapter 3 (⚠️Smoking⚠️)

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~Age 11 July 31~
It's been four years since we started living with the Malfoys, although I don't trust Lucius so I don't speak directly to him. Narcissa and Draco were shocked by this and slowly started building up caution around the Lord of the manor. They notice that I have a gift in judging people's characters and that I'm usually right on who to trust.

Dobby the house elf was so helpful and kind and I help take care of him when Lucius beat him or when he got sick.

"Happy Birthday, (Y/N) Potter. Happy birthday Harry Potter. Dobby has made you both breakfast and received your Hogwarts letters," Dobby says as he gently shakes my brother awake since I was up with the sun.

An old habit from living with the Dursley's, I woke up before dawn and manage to sneak out to visit Max for a birthday pack of Lavender and Mint cigarettes. Especially now that it was prescribed by the head healer at St Mungo's Hospital to substitute the anti anxiety potion I would have to take daily.

I picked up my pack this morning after Harry fell asleep, Max was happy that Harry and I are away from our abusive relatives and told me that two weeks ago that Vernon and Petunia Dursley were arrested for our abuse and apparently conspiracy of murder and Dudley was placed in the foster care system.

"I'm up Dobby," Harry muttered sleepy and reaches for his glasses before stretching.

I'm thankful that Harry has finally put on some healthy weight. He even grown a few inches taller than me but that's about it, he still flinches at loud noises and unexpected touches but not as bad as before.

"Happy birthday Harry," I tell him and pull out an outfit for him today. "Today we get our supplies for Hogwarts."

I quickly left our room and headed over to Draco's and knocked. I had my own room but I felt safer sleeping with Harry and soon his room became our room.

The door opens to reveal Draco in his casual robes, the biggest smile on his face. "We're going to Hogwarts," he says excitedly and pulls me into a hug which I return in equal excitement.

"Do you think we'll go to Knockturn Alley for some books on Magic cores," I ask when we pull apart.

"Probably, Uncle Sev has already got our books for his class and is meeting us there," Draco says just as Harry joins us and together we head down to the dining room.

"Good morning Draco," Lucius says to his son then turns to me and Harry with barely visible sneer. "Potters."

I quickly sign 'Good Morning," to Lucius and Narcissa and took my seat next to the mother of the house. I taught Draco and Narcissa sign language so we can communicate when I'm in public or around people I don't trust. A perk on Draco's part because it helped him master wand less magic and now he knows a language to communicate with deaf or mute wizards in our world.

'Are you three excited to get your school supplies for Hogwarts,' Narcissa signs to us and the three of us sign back in excited enthusiasm.

"Enough of the frivolous hand gestures," Lucius snapped at us but I rolled my eyes at him.

"You do realize that these frivolous hand gestures is a recognized language for witches and wizards who can't speak nor hear," Harry states bluntly and I quickly sign that 'Lucius care about nothing if it doesn't benefit him which is why he can't get accepted into the Mute Magic Society.'

That earns me a round of stifled giggles, and soon breakfast was finish and the five of us were on our way to Diagon Alley.

~Time Skip~

We were in Flourish and Blotts after getting our wands and I was collecting book on the topic of Magic Cores and Creature Inheritance when I bumped into someone knocking our books to the floor.

"Im so sorry," I whisper as quickly helped the person I bumped into pick up her books. My anxiety is starting to spike and I'm resisting the urge to pull out a smoke here.

"It's alright. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. I was too focused on getting a bit of a head start in my classes," the girl said and I look up at her with a nervous smile.

"Same here as well as some personal studies. I'm (Y/N) by the way," I said when we both stand up.

"Im Hermione Granger," the girl says and we head over to the register to pay for our books and step out side. When Hermione saw my scar over my left eye, her eyes widen like Draco's did when I first met him but the look on my face must have told her I'm not in the right place to talk about it.

I pull out a smoke and light it with a subtle snap and take a drag, slowly letting the anxiety dissipate with the exhaled smoke.

"Aren't you only eleven," Hermione asks me and I simply shrug then exhale another cloud of smoke.

"I'm medically prescribed a cigarette a day by the head healer in St. Mungo's hospital for my anxiety and trauma. They tried an anti-anxiety potion but it only made it worse," I told her and she nods and stayed with me while I finish.

"Sis, are you ok," the concern voice of my twin calls out and I wave him and Draco over.

"I'm fine Harry, just had an anxiety spike and needed an out," I told him as I put out the butt of the smoke on my shoe soul. "Introductions. Harry and Draco, this is Hermione Granger. Hermione this is my twin brother Harry and our best friend Draco."

"A pleasure to meet you Granger," Draco says and kisses the back of Hermione's hand.

"Pleasure's all mine," she replies before someone calls her name. "I've got to go, I hope to see you all on the train."

The three of us wave her goodbye then we make our way down Knockturn Alley for Me and Harry's birthday presents.

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