Chapter 23 ⚠️🌶️Hint of Spice and Scars🌶️⚠️

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I noticed that my crystal was glowing which only happens when I see (Y/N) in my dreams, so I quickly pinched myself to see if I'm really dreaming.

"Ouch! Ok not dreaming," I grumble to myself before stepping out into the hallway following the glow of my necklace as it gradually gets brighter as I get closer.

I can hear my nephew's giggles along with the laughter of my brother and his wife, must be nice to be so carefree.

"Auntie, could you teach me, please," Cheka begs and my heart jumps at the sound of my mate's giggle.

"This spell is a bit too advance for you, Cheka but I can teach you an easier charm," (Y/N)'s voice says as I found the corner to a beautiful sight.

(Y/N) had Cheka in her lap, teaching him a hand movement and strange words. Like a mother teaching her cub and I couldn't help but want that for myself. She was perfect.

"Lumos Maxima," they say in unison and a ball of light appears in the palm of his hand. Cheka's eyes lit up in amazement as he show his parents the ball of light.

"Well done, Cheka," Falena says before spotting me. "Leona, come meet our guest."

(Y/N)'s attention snaps to me and I couldn't help but puff out my chest in pride as I approached her. Her smile was contagious and I vowed to keep her smiling. She quickly taught my nephew how to turn off his little ball of light before standing to greet me.

"It's good to see you outside of dreams and you're signature spell, Little prey," I say with a bit of a playful growl at the last part and her eyes flashed gold before returning to their beautiful hazel color.

[A/N*James's eye color are Hazel in the book so you inherited his eyes*]

"Unca Leona, I saved Auntie from drowning in our fountain," Cheka says proudly, "I even help the doctor fix her ouchies."

That caught my attention and I quickly scan my mate for injuries besides her scar... but she quickly hid her arms from me. Oh no, she didn't, the Little brat.

I pick up (Y/N) bridal style and begin to carry her towards my wing of the palace, I could hear my brother's protest but I ignored him as we made our way to my bedroom. (Y/N), for her credit, struggled for a good five minutes until I let out a hungry growl which shut her up. Once we entered my room, I lock the door and throw her onto my bed.

"Show me," I growl. She's to precious to have any more injuries, especially when she has one from infancy.

Hesitantly, she closed her eyes and like a mirage her clear skin vanished revealing scars that littered her arms and legs. She refused to look at me and I immediately knew she has more, so I gently removed her shirt. If my heart did break from the scars I saw on her limbs it shattered at the sight of her body, words like 'Freak', 'Slut', and 'Murderer' was carved onto her ribs and back while burns and more scars decorated the rest of her body.

"I'll kill whoever did this to you," I promised as I carefully touched the newly bandaged injuries. "You deserve so much better."

Tears rolled down her face, but she kept a strong front... until I hugged her. She broke down and I had a feeling that she'd never let anyone truly see her this vulnerable, only her mates which is a gift more valuable than an entire kingdom.

"You're so beautiful, scars and all," I whisper in her ear as I gently kiss the top of her head, "I'm sure the others would agree with me." I kiss a few of her scars beside my mark which earns me a soft moan and I quickly stop. Later, I'll worship her body.

"Thank you Leona. That means the world to me," she says after she calmed down. I noticed that my soulmate on her chest changed from line work and shading to color. "Mind if I put back on my shirt and illusion? I want to call Harry, he's probably worried sick."

I reluctantly let her redress but I refuse to let her hide her scars from the others as she picks up a small mirror from my nightstand. I watch her use her signature spell on the mirror as it shatters into eight shards.

"Sis," Harry says in pure shock. He looks like his in the middle of Alchemy class but the ingredients were different. "It's only been fifteen minutes since lunch."

"Hey Harry," (Y/N) says timidly and hug her for support as she takes a steadying breath. "I don't know how it happened but I'm with my other mate."

"Awww, I as hoping that Harp Seal would visit us again," Floyd whined and I growled at him.

I knew that I was her fourth mate she was with but I don't mind since the lizard's scent is spoiling her wonderful scent of Lilies and honey.

"Pup, you better be using protection," a scruffy looking man says and this friend just groans.

"Sirius," (Y/N) groans and I couldn't help but chuckle, "This is why Remus is my favorite."

Sirius gave a dramatic gasp and fell to the ground, and the man who I assume was Remus just shook his head. I could see why (Y/N) was so happy over her winter break.

"Where exactly are you, cub?"

"According to Leona's nephew and sister-in-law, The Afterglow Savannah," she says and her other mates perk up in excitement.

"You're in Twisted Wonderland," Radish Sprout asks excitedly.

"Sis, did you drink anything or received anything from someone," Harry asked trying to stir the conversation back on track but not saying anything what he really wants.

"Class dismissed, the Serpent Court will remain here," a familiar voice says and students quickly gathered their things and disappears leaving Draco, Blaise, Daphne, Hermione, the runt Neville, and Harry. "(Y/N) what is this I hear about you vanishing? Don't worry there's a privacy spell placed around my classroom," The Greasy haired Professor asks.

"I was in the bath when I appeared here. Don't ask me for details because I barely understand how I got here in the first place, all I know that I found myself naked in a fountain," (Y/N) summarized. "I'm surprised that I was arrested for indecency."

"You let down your illusion," Draco comments and the others except for Harry had to lean in to see the scars with various looks of anger and sadness.

"Whoever did this, I'm vaporizing them" Radish Sprout says before he immediately starts tickering away at something.

"Something we can all agree on," I growls as the anger tries to resurface but I quickly pushed it down.

"My Dearest, what are you hiding," the Lizard asks and (Y/N) take a deep breath.

"I'll explain, the best way I can just don't get too upset with me."

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