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Calem walked along the path in the park, depressed his hands in his pocket, his girlfriend just broke up with her, they decided to share a bed for the first time, and he thought that he won't be dying a virgin

But as soon as his boxers were pulled off, his girlfriend said that she wasn't a lesbian, and broke up with him, his pee pee's length was neglible (in negative) , and unfortunately he didn't even get his first kiss

So after she had kicked him out of her house, he decided to walk in the park to clear his mind which had nothing but trash in it.

He unknowingly stepped on a banana peel and slipped, falling on his back , he cried out in pain, he got up and started to walk limply towards his home or ehhh, specifically a single roomed flat which he managed to get somehow, he was kicked out of the house because he was a failure, even failure management treatment couldn't do anything
his future for sure was in ruins, even the doctor left his job when he was born, his pokemon also left because they didn't wanted a failure to be their trainer they had their pride as pokemons, so this was unacceptable.

He was just walking back towards the gate of the park to go back at home,

"Hey look out you fool!!! "

He turned around at the voice and saw a ball hurling towards him at full speed

"Ahhhhhhh" He said as the ball hit him right in the eye, he fell on his knees clutching his eyes, in pain, the boys who were playing with the ball, came up to him a boy picked it up, and the oldest one in them (he was a bully) he decided to have some fun, as calem was on his knees, crying out in pain, the guy kicked him hard in the nuts

Camel's eyeball almost popped out when he was hit in his balls, he was sure they were crushed, the boys ran away laughing 'oh god I don't wanna live here please call me to heaven'

Yveltal and giratina choked after hearing him call out for them to take his life away,while arceus burst out laughing

"That guy won't be even allowed in hell"
Yveltal thought

Back to camel

Camel was on the bus stop waiting for a bus, a few moments later a girl with short honey blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes came there , along with a sylveon, calem got heart in his eyes as soon as he saw her,

She stood at a corner away from the animal, he slowly slowly moved towards her,

"Serena!!! " The girl turned around and saw a boy running towards her , she also rushed up a bit and hugged him, while he returned the hug, "i didn't expect you to be here" She giggled , while sylveon did the same with pikachu

"Nothing, just had some work nearby,and i knew you would be taking bus from here,I still don't get it why don't you like to drive car ,you're the alola queen you should take care of your safety,and what if someone might recognise you" Ash said, luckily many people weren't around, he didn't even bother looking at camel, he pecked her on the lips

"Ash not in public" She said as a small blush crept on her face,

"The bus will take some time isn't it?"

"Maybe a few minutes"

(A/N:-ash and Serena are engaged , serena had visited her mother for a few days, so she was just about to take the bus to go back to their apartment, where they are living temporarily, they're gonna be living in kanto Or alola after their wedding)

Calem was heart broken he felt betrayed he loved her and nobody else can love her more than him, why every beautiful and gorgeous girl had to be taken, why does that guy had to get her, why!!!??, he was far better than him(although he looked like a beaten up donkey right now) he looked better than him(no, definitely no), he was more better than him,

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