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The fifty-year-old Ash was seated on the opposite side of the bartender.

Soon a twenty-five-year-old young girl joined the empty

chair on the right side of Ash. She found Ash was looking at a photograph in his wallet

without taking a blink.

"She's pretty!" The young girl complimented Ash about the person in the photograph.

"I know. She was the epitome of beauty." Ash added these words smilingly.

"Tell me more about her." The young girl added.

"You know whenever she smiled my heart giggled. Her

dimple was the only pit where I fell. That too when I was undrunk." Ash added.

"She was very special, right?" The girl added.

"Special & great on every relationship. She was not only a best friend, a lover, or a wife to me. She was more than that. Words are not enough to describe what she meant to me." Ash added.

Then, Ash looked at the young girl and smiled. The young girl acknowledged with her smile.

Ash finished his drink and walked away. The bartender was about to stop him for the bill, but the young girl stopped the bartender. She gave her credit card to the bartender by looking at Ash and said,

"Happy Marriage anniversary, dad"

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