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Ash opened the door and stepped out of the car, closing the door behind him. He then looked up at the flower shop in front of him

‘Which flowers should I get for mom? Ash thought to himself, “what do you say pikachu?”


“So I'm not the only confused one here, anyways let's go in we'll just see what to get “

Ash walked in and pushed the door, the door opened followed by the chime of a bell. The honey blonde haired florist who was watering the plants turned her attention towards him. She looked about the same age as him.

“Hello! How can I help you today? “ a warm smile formed on her face. Even if someone hadn’t seen her before they could tell from a single glance that she really really loved her job.

“Umm, I was looking for some flowers as a gift for my mom”

“Do you have anything specific in mind? “

“Not exactly…” Ash said as he scratched his cheek with his finger, a bit embarrassed. He really had no idea about such things.

“Hmmmm, then should I suggest something?”

“That would be great help”

“It's fine, it's my job to help out customers!”she said with a bright smile on her face “does she like flowers? “

“Hmm, she absolutely does. She even has her own little garden”

“hehe, well then I have an idea.” The girl turned around and picked up a pot with tulips planted in it “I suggest tulips, you can get various colors in them. You can either go with a single color or mix and match them, they'll still look beautiful “

“Yeah they look beautiful, isn't it Pikachu? “

“Pika! “

“Aww, he's so adorable. Can I pet him? “The girl asked, her cerulean eyes twinkling in excitement.

“You've to ask pikachu about that”

The girl looked up at the pokemon “can I? “

“Pika” The said pokemon nodded, the pokemon jumped down onto a nearby table, making sure not to knock off any flower pots onto the ground.

The girl used her fingers to scratch the yellow ball of fur under his chin, Pikachu cooed in delight, despite being a pokemon who was capable of taking down legendaries head on, he also had a quite sensitive side to him.

“He's so cute! “

Ash chuckled seeing the girls reaction, this was quite a normal reaction of those who had seen his pikachu.

“Sorry, I got a bit distracted! “ she said apologetically, she was quite embarrassed due to the fact that she was quite enjoying herself.

“it's okay, you don't have to worry about It” Ash said with a genuine smile on his face,

“So should I arrange them for you? I don't really have a premade one right now. Is it fine with you?

“No problem, I can wait”

“Well then, I'll get to work. You can sit there while I make you a beautiful flower arrangement for your mother.”

Ash sat down on the bench with Pikachu, watching the girl and her Pokemons work on arranging the flowers.

“Are you probably from kalos? “

“Yeah, I'm.” The girl replied “i guess you're able to recognize where my pokemons are from”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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