"I really don't like feelings," Goh said.

"Why? What's the matter?" Ash asked.

"Since I lose her when she got married to someone else. Things keeps hunting me. I feel like modern day Devdas(he came to know who he was due to YouTube) & its not right at all." Goh added.

"Can't deny you. Been there." Ash said.

"What? Seriously? You're a jolly person. How did you come out from this all?" Goh questioned.

"To be honest, there is only one medicine. It's time. It will heal you, my friend." Ash revealed.

"Will it heal me completely?" Goh questioned again.

"Unfortunately, there is no delete button for memories & nothing is 100%. But, you will learn to smile. Your priorities will change." Ash explained.

"Did yours change?" Goh asked.

"Yes." Ash acknowledged.

Goh smiled. Ash's advised helped him to heal.

Later on when Ash was alone, he took out his purse, opened it, looked at his late wife's photograph and confronted with a smile, "Sorry, honey, for the good of him, I lied."

"Time can heal you but give some time to time"

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