Don't get tide down

439 32 16

How can water get so cold?

You ask yourself, letting out a low whimper as you subconsciously cuddle closer to warm and rumbling chest of the mer-shark. Who in response, tightening his arms around you in return. Feeling you shivering slightly from the cool temperature's of the deep. Your face pressed tightly to Cross's front, doing your best to keep your damaged fin from moving or jostling around to much, well the larger mer easily glides through the chilly water. You are thankful that Cross is so warm, otherwise you didn't think you could handle the cold. Already feeling sleepy. Not to mention hungry...

Very, very hungry...

You think, It's been little over an hour since you both left the shipwreck and Cross hasn't let up on his fast paced swimming which is causing you a significant deal of stress with the unfamiliar sounds and smells. Doing your best to ignore them.

The pressure of the water isn't helping all that much either with your anxiety. Unlike your precious lagoon, where the water is always presently warm and teeming with life and magic. Here, the water is vast and seemingly empty. It's not necessarily lifeless considering you bumped into Cross and the distant unsettling sounds confirm that there are other creatures out there but that doesn't change the fact, the water is practically deprived of magic. But, it does taste much, much cleaner down here then up near the surface. Which surprises you and makes you briefly wonder why? Is it magic? The water near the wreck had a strange almost oily taste to it, now that you think about it. Maybe, it had something to do with the boat and not the water?

You're quickly pulled out of your thoughts as you hear Cross start saying something. You take that as you're cue that it's alright to look again and have arrived to your destination.

That was mistake...

As you remove your face from Cross's chest to look around, you're meet with the site of a massive trench and vast empty darkness.

Darkness, that spans as far as your eye-lights can see. It stares menacingly back at you, like an open mouth waiting to swallow you whole.

Suddenly, it's to cold and your chest feels to tight.

The inky blackness closing in on you, like a net being pulled taut. Your gills feel useless, struggling to filter oxygen. You continue to stare down in terror at the massive abyss that mer-shark is swimming down towards. Cross slows his pace. Senses something is wrong, with how still you have become in his arms. Feeling the tips of your claws being to dig into his clavicles, uncomfortably.

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