Making an Aquaintance

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Notes: I can't cross out some words like I can on the other website but reader cannot understand normal language well, if at all.

Leviathantale belongs to Sku UwU

Warning: Blood, swearing, and maybe suggestive theme.


Doctor W.D. Gaster, has always considered himself a monster of science even from a young age. Even as a monster with magic, Gaster knows that the word's magic is dying out slowly but surely, it has be for years.

His caretakers believed he may have had an almost unhealthy obsession with it. The type of experiments he did when he was a young boy bordered on being questionable by most people standards and it only grew worse as he got older, not that anyone but the select members of the government knew about his unethical experiments...and his lab assistant.

Well polished black leather oxfords made soft tapping sounds on the metal floor as he quickly made his way to the lower lads to check on his longest running project. Only to stop when he reached an elevator, pressing the button as the doors opened he step inside. Summoning one of his many hands, he used it to input a code on the keypad located on the side of the door. With a low ding, he stepped inside with the doors closing behind him and the elevator begin to move downwards.

The Doctor is well known for his scientific accomplishments. He is highly respected and admired by his peers and much of the media for winning awards and grants on multiple occasions for his work in the different fields of science and technology, but Gaster cared little for such trivial things such as praise and trophies, the only thing he cared about was his life's work and what impacted he will leave on the world...

So to say, he was less then pleased to learn that the creature he needed to continue the next steps in his experiment had escaped, would be a complete understatement.

The Doctor was livid.

He specifically told those Idiotic halfwits that manned the ship, to keep a constant flow of anesthesia in the holding tank of the specimen at all times. Apparently, they were too incompetent to even do that and it costed the fools their lives, along with thousands of dollars of damages and equipment with the loss of the of the sea vessel. Gaster let out a 'tsk' of frustration, raising up a hand, adjusting his glasses before folding his arms behind his back again. He knew, he should've stayed on the ship to monitor everything himself, unfortunately, he had other important business to attend to that prevented him from sailing to the final destination with the specimen, but what's done has been done.

He narrowed his sockets with frowned before taking a deep breath and counting to ten, relaxing his shoulders. No reason to cry over over spilled milk, he thought to himself. A minor setback in his plans. He will make sure to correct everything, by retrieving the specimen, even if he has to comb the whole ocean, to obtain it. Once it's been captured, he can start phase 2. A smirk slipping onto his face, knowing his plans are all coming together.

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