Lost at sea? I'm not so shore.

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"Gems please, we really need to leave before it gets to late." Cross pleads with his arms wrapped around your waist, being mindful of your quills as he tries (and fails) to pull you towards the opening in the glass window. You hug the support beam of the ship tighter, not wanting to leave your make shift shelter. You shake your head furiously back and forth, refusing to let go. A small whine escaping the back of your throat. The mer-shark let out loud sigh of defeat. Letting go, swimming back a bit to look at you. It's been about an hour or so since Cross has gotten complete feeling back to his caudal fin and is able to move as well as swim around properly.

However, even with the mer-shark's movement back and him deciding to take you back home. Cross and you haven't made any progress in leaving the disheveled ship and it wasn't from Cross's lack of trying either. With you stubbornly refusing to set a fin outside of the ship.

That being said, the fox-shark has found some interesting items scattered around the cabin of the ship. This included a (Thankfully.) waterproof captains logbook. He has yet to look through it or read it. Thinking it's best to get back home first and go over it with Nightmare and the others. Having small stored the book on his belt that Dust so kindly gifted him when he was first accepted into the shiver. Cross came to the conclusion that this was, indeed a research ship of some kind. The equipment footing around reminiscent of some of the equipment and items back from the lab he was born in. A small shivers down his tail fin at the thought. All the more cause for you and him to leave quickly with the likelihood that land walkers will be looking for the missing vessel and it's precious cargo. But for some reason or another you refuse swimming more then a couple of tail flicks from the boat. It's like you're scared of something? He frowns at that thought. He needs to convince you to leave somehow. Even if you're scared, It's not safe here by any means.

Cross blinks, snapping out of his thoughts, focusing back on you. Somehow you managed to made your way back to the soft bed of sea grass without him noticing. You're sitting with your poor mangled tail out stretched in front of you, grooming yourself. Licking your claws with you oddly green tinted saliva. Forked tongue picking out of your mouth ever so slightly, as you ran your claws carefully down your sides. Misplaced quills being smoothed down, as your pretty scales shine more with ever stroke. The fox-shark feels his cheeks heat up a little at the site as he gulps at the excess magic in the back of his throat. He didn't grow up with the idea of grooming ones self in front of others. (Thanks to being raised in captivity.) Always assuming it was a private and personal activity. Which technically it is with strangers and outsiders. However, for most shivers and pods it's considered bonding activity. It wasn't tell Horror discovered how atrocious and unskilled the fox-shark was at grooming himself, that Cross was introduced to group grooming. Uncovering all the wonderful benefits that come with it but even then he is still embarrassed by it. (Even, if it a normal and natural thing for mers to do. Especially when it helps get rid of unwanted parasites and bacteria.)

Cross let out a small cough trying to get your attention as well as cover up his embarrassment. "Look, we should really start leaving." The fox-shark said slowly, pointing outside to the wide open ocean. You stop mid lick at hearing his voice. Magic glistening on your forted tongue. Looking up at him with curious eye-lights, tilling your head cutely at him. Ear fins perking up ever so slightly. You glance to were he is pointing only to frown. Blinking for a moment before shaking you skull again and going back to your task of cleaning yourself. Cross's shoulders dropped at this reaction but he isn't about to give up. He swims closer to you to try and move you again only for you to do something completely unexpected and catch him off guard.

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