Chapter 34: School Fight

Start from the beginning

He's too close. Too, too close.

There's no controlling my reaction.

I scream.

Then the bathroom door rattles, and seconds later Yoongi is rushing in, a pair of scissors in one hand, and a look that I never want to see again plastered on his face. Hope flusters in my chest. He came. He came for me.

The man directs his attention to Yoongi, his grip on me loosening just the slightest, and that's when Yoongi raises the scissors so quickly I can barely see it and shoves it into the man's stomach roughly.

"You. . . You fucker. . . " the man sags into himself, his hand closing around mine, then stumbles, trying to break Yoongi's grip. He pushes back, with his body and the scissors. I watch him twist his wrist and warmth gushes down both of us.

The man takes a step away from both of us, trying to fight the pain. It's anger he latches on to that flares in his eyes. He lurches toward Yoongi, drawing his scalpel in their own duel, and then his hand finds my throat.

My first instinct is to scrabble, to claw, but a metal tip is pressed to my neck.

I hear Yoongi shout like I've never heard before. "Don't touch him!"

"Don't fucking stab me!" The man retorts.

Yoongi takes a deep breath, opening and closing those scissors in his own silent threat. I wonder if he snipped anything important. "Surely you realize that I'm not going to let you harm him, so put down the scalpel and step away."

The man laughs, waving his hand in the air. "I have the upper hand, asshole. I could slit his throat and be out of here before the police are here, and there wouldn't be shit you could do."

Yoongi nods, glancing at me and taking inventory of my swollen cheek. His eyes darken. "I know what you want, Kim Young-sang."

"You're fucking crazy," he says, and I finally have a name for the face holding me hostage. The man- Young-sang- raises the scalpel to my jaw. He's freaked out now that Yoongi knows his name. I can feel the small twitches in his hand.

Yoongi stands there, slowly opening and closing the scissors, making that snip snip sound.

Young-sang presses the blade into my neck, and I close my eyes, not wanting to watch Yoongi see me die, when he slides down to the ground, leaning against the bathroom sink. He's sweating. My heart leaps when he lets me go. Maybe Yoongi did nick something in there.

When I'm able to inhale a full breath, Yoongi comes to my side, and then I'm being pulled out of the bathroom. Yoongi is leading me out, his eyes dark and heavy, and I suck in a sob that wants to break free because I don't know what the hell is going on, but I do know that my life was just threatened and that if it wasn't for him rescuing me, I'd be bleeding out on the floor of a bathroom.

He takes me out the double doors that lead outside into the sunshine, and my body soaks up the warmth, thankful to be rid of the dim florescent lights. Now that I'm away from the danger, relief and dread surge through me all at once, and I can't think, I can't stand, from the lingering pain of almost dying.

I drop to the grass like a broken puppet. Yoongi is there with me, crouching down and turning my face to him. "Are you okay?"

"I- I- ," I stutter through tears. "I thought. . . I thought I was going to die. I thought I'd never see you again."

"Shh," he soothes me, running his hands up and down my spine, my chest feeling like it might explode from having him in my arms again. "It's over now. I'm here. You're safe with me."

I sigh, shaking my head and wrap my arms around his neck. "I can't believe you did all that for me."

He pets my hair, gentle and nurturing. "Don't you understand by now that I will protect you for as long as I live?" He brushes a stray hair away from my face and smiles softly. "That's a promise I intend to keep."

Now tears do escape my eyes, and I smile as he cups my cheek, bringing me into him. I brush my mouth against his, and my chest warms, heart beating harshly against my ribs. Only this time, it's not because I'm having my life threatened. It's because I'm free, able to feel alive in the arms of my lover.

I draw back, taking a moment to look at him. There's specks of blood on his face, and both of us have red hands, but he looks beautiful anyway.

"Yoongi," I say, a smile creeping on my lips. "I love you."

His eyes lighten and he takes me in his arms. "Jimin. . . "

"I choose you, Yoongi."

He shakes his head, smiling so wide I can see his pink gums. "I love you, Jimin. I choose you. Always."

Our mouths crash together, and my heart flips, feeling as if it might explode from my chest.

And then someone gasps.

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