We were only given one task and since it wasn't yet 3am the two of us sit in the kitchen, talking over a plate of brownies.

"So what is your favorite color?" Harry asked.

"Black." I replied, "Often people don't understand why it's my favorite but I don't understand why it's hard to? Anyway, what is your favorite?"

"Blue. But a darker blue, one like you'd see in the middle of the ocean." He said.

"Well it's nearly 3am, I think we should head back." I said.

We nearly made it to Gryffindor Tower when an outline of someone, or something walked out before us. Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me into a cutout along the wall where stood a pedestal with some statue on top.

"Shhh." Harry placed his finger on his lips, his other hand still holding tightly to my arm. Harry peaked his head out into the corridor to see if the figure is still there. It was, and it had gotten closer.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"It's- it's a dog?"

"A dog?" I pushed myself out from our hiding place before Harry could pull me back. I recognized the dog right away, "Chocolate, come here boy." The dogs tail started wagging and it approached me, nudging it's head into my hands. "It's ok Harry! I've seen this dog before, he is friendly."

Hesitantly Harry walks toward us, kneeling down beside me. I notice he is nervous, grabbing his hand I place it in front of the dog. "Let him smell you first." Chocolate sniffed Harry's hand and nudged his head into Harry, "See, I told you he's friendly."

The three of us continued our walk to Gryffindor Tower and at the bottom of the steps the black dog sat down, tail still wagging.

"I'll see you again boy!" I rested my head on top of the dogs, placing a kiss on his nose and receiving dog kisses in return.

"Nice to meet you," Harry said, with a questioning look he turned to me.

"Chocolate." I tell him.

"Nice to meet you Chocolate!" Harry received kisses as well and the dog sat back down, watching us as we climbed the stairs.

"Well we didn't think you'd ever come back, mate." Ron said as we entered the common room.

"Is everything ready for this week?" Harry asked.

"As long as you did your task then it is!" Fred replied.

"It's going to be great!" George said.

"Is it really? Cause a nose-biting tea cup doesn't seem like that great of a prank." I said.

Fred got up from his seat, placing his arm over my shoulder, "My dear, I know your new here so you don't yet understand," a laugh escaped George's mouth. "You shouldn't underestimate us." There is a pause, a grin spreads itself across Fred's face. "Well goodnight! Best get rest to enjoy the havoc filled week."

And with that all of us went to our dorms.

There is a break in the clouds that for the last week had been covering the sky. The October sun is rising and shined through the window beside my bed, lighting up the otherwise dark room. I rub the sleep from my eyes and get up to ready myself for the day. I never finished my homework from the night before so I take it down to The Great Hall to work on it over breakfast. The room is fairly empty, there are a couple Ravenclaw students seated at their table, Filch as usual is standing at the entrance to the hall, and several Professors are seated at the head table. I get myself a bagel, spreading strawberry cream cheese on top and focus on my work.

"Have you seen Mrs. Norris today?" The twins asked in unison, each taking a seat beside me. I didn't even realize students started filing in and the hall is no longer quiet.

Looking up to where Filch stood, I realize his beloved cat isn't beside him like she normally is.
"You didn't kill her did you?"

"Really? I'm appalled you would think we'd do such a terrible thing!" George said, placing his hand over his chest, "she is sporting a very lovely pink, purple, and maroon today." The three of us couldn't hold in our laughs.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked. The trio sat down around us and began filling their plates.

"The twins turned Mrs. Norris different colors. Pink, purple and maroon."

"We wanted to go with a cheshire cat look." Fred said as a smirk spread on his face, "and George wanted maroon since it's his favorite color."

George nodded in approval.

"How long will the color last?"

"Just a day. By tomorrow she'll be back to her normal ugly self."

The week of pranks are coming to a end, tomorrow is Filch's anniversary and no one except the twins know what the prank is. Fred and George to our surprise have received no trouble from any headmaster.

I leaned over to Fred, "will you at least tell me what it is? The last prank? I swear I won't tell anyone."

He whispered in my ear, "Filch will confiscate a certain very special box tomorrow." He gave me a wink and refilled his plate. I know that's all I'm going to get out of him.

"This morning I have charms and tonight astronomy. What about you?" I asked Harry, but before he can answer we are interrupted by the second most unlikeable person in Hogwarts, after Snape. Avery Fortescue.

"Hailey! How are things with your dad?"

"They have been good. Thanks." I said in a defensive tone, not understanding the sudden friendliness. "How are you and Neville?"

"Oh we are great! He has been telling me so much. We have talked about your dad, he shared some very interesting things about him that he learned from our grandmother. I'm sure your dad has told you?" She said with a smirk.

"I am not sure what you mean?" I glanced at Harry, to see a confused look is on his face, "well there's class to get to." I turned to keep walking, pulling Harry along with me.

"You know, his fur-" Avery is unable to finish her sentence for my fist made contact with her nose. A crack echoed through the small hall and blood ran down her face. A pool formed at her feet. Harry grabbed hold of my arms, restraining me from going for a second hit.

"Hailey!" I hear a familiar voice shout my name.

"You say one more word and I swear next time you'll have more than a broken nose."

"Hailey!" My dad said again, this time in a voice as firm as it can get. His voice is followed by that of Professor McGonagall.

"Miss Fortescue! Come on dear, let me help you up." Professor McGonagall helped lift Avery from where she had fallen to her knees.

"Did you see what she did?" Avery cried, "I was just asking how things were with her and her dad, and then she punched me!"

"Miss Lupin, go directly to my office. I will be there shortly, after I get Miss Fortescue settled in the hospital wing." Professor McGonagall said. Her tone was stern and I knew there was no getting out of this.

"It's not fair." I mutter under my breath, although I believe Harry and my father heard it.

My eyes have fallen to the floor, to avoid eye contact with dad and his look of disappointment. I walked to Professor McGonagall's office to wait for my punishment.


In Prisoner of Azkaban Filch actually had been working at Hogwarts for 20 years. I was just going to make it up but found it actually is canon.

Word count: 1805

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