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Suddenly the sky above them thundered as the earth shook before the collapsed foundation of the temple flew back as a twelve foot beast emerged roaring as if he's in pain into the night making Varalakshmi back away looking at the beast.

The beast growled making everyone take a step back as it started attacking the soldiers who are a threat to him one by one and when it reached to Karthik, Shatru, Mutu and Prince they knelt before him with their head down "The ruler of the Chola empire Sri Agasthya Raja chola we bow to you to rule us to victory" making the beast growl at them but didn't attack them seeing the sword in prince's hand and the snakes around Karthik's arms and the protectors locket around Shatru's neck.

The beast growled making everyone take a step back as it started attacking the soldiers who are a threat to him one by one and when it reached to Karthik, Shatru, Mutu and Prince they knelt before him with their head down "The ruler of the Chola e...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

The beast turned and stalked towards Varalakshmi pandiyan who stood there a little scared while the beast growled and raised his paw with sharp nails at her but Varalakshmi flew back in the air with her shadow power.

The beast turned around and charged at her with full force and knocked her down making Varalakshmi groan as it hovered over her. He put his paw on her heart and pressed his nails into her chest making Varalakshmi gasp and tried to use her power but the beast stepped on her hands making her scream in pain.

Suddenly the beast was knocked away from Varalakshmi Pandiyan to see the burst of smokes coming from Guru Pandiyan as he stepped down from the rock he's standing on threatening the beast "I killed your father.I killed your family. I killed your people and yet there is the always the last blood left to destroy us".

"Now I'll end your blood line with you all" Guru Pandiyan vowed as the beast got up growling at him as Guru Pandiyan chanted  'Velugu moose o pratibimbama chikati rajyamu nundi nanu puttinchina daivama aavahayami'  making his shadow turn into a black Yeti behind him.

"Now I'll end your blood line with you all" Guru Pandiyan vowed as the beast got up growling at him as Guru Pandiyan chanted  'Velugu moose o pratibimbama chikati rajyamu nundi nanu puttinchina daivama aavahayami'  making his shadow turn into a bl...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

The beast and the Yeti dashed at each other and the sky roared as if encouraging their fight. Both the beasts fell down and started punching each other as Varalakshmi Pandiyan moved back healing herself with her powers.

Prince pulled Nandu up who was still looking down at the cliff making Prince control his tears too as Nandu hid her face in Prince's shoulder sobbing "No Princess do not cry. We have to fight and end them all so Raaha's sacrifice wouldn't go to waste".

Nandu wiped her tears and turned to Varalakshmi Pandiyan who was healing herself and charged at her with the knife handed by Prince. She started fighting with her aunt with a new moto. Revenge. Revenge for the young girl's death.

Remaining members of the group killed the soldiers without mercy one by one avenging Raaha's death. As both beasts were at each other's throat trying to snap  each other's necks fighting like animals forgetting their human sides.

The Yeti threw the beast off  of him and jumped in the air before landing on the beast making it howl in pain. The Yeti held the throat of the beast and pinned it's hands under his knees and started digging it's nail into beast chest.

"I'll send you to your father" The Yeti growled and pulled it's hand back from the beast's chest and started to punch the beast.

But before the Yeti's hand hit the beast's chest something held him back making him growl and looked at his wrist to see a rope like branch pulling his hand back making him turn around to see the little girl from before in a green warrior's outfit and an axe hanging on her back.

PRINCE IN EXILENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ