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"You shouldn't have done that" Nandu said.

"I did what is good for my family" Agathya stated.

"Family? You really believe Aarna?" Nandu asked making him shrug.

"Why wouldn't I? She's my sister" Agasthya asked.

"What if Raaha was right? What if Aarna is not who as she seems?" Nandu asked.

"If I do something I'll make sure everything turns out right" Agasthya assured her.

"So kicking out Raaha was right?" Nandu scoffed.

"Yes! And you shouldn't worry about someone who's not even anything to you"  Agasthya walked away making Nandu sad.

THE NEXT DAY...................


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

They began their journey in the desert as Prince drove the jeep while Aarna, Mutu, Karthik and Shatru rode the horses towards the monk's chariot

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

They began their journey in the desert as Prince drove the jeep while Aarna, Mutu, Karthik and Shatru rode the horses towards the monk's chariot. The jeep was faster than horses and suddenly the jeep went into the quick sand making the horses halt forcefully.

"Get out" Prince yelled making Agathya push Nandu out as Prince took off his seat belt and went to back seat making Agasthya throw him out too.

Shatru and Karthik pulled out Prince and Nandu as Agasthya stood on top of the jeep making them throw the rope to Agasthya who caught it as they pulled him out of the quicksand. They all fell on their backs panting at the almost death accident.

Agasthya stood up dusting his clothes as he took the stone and threw it aside and concluded that the whole desert is a quick sand making him sigh as others stood up.

"What do we do now?" Aarna asked making Agasthya sit down looking at the sun.

"We wait" Agasthya said nodding at Shatru.

"So the monk's chariot. Where exactly is it?" Nandu asked.

"Where sun meets the moon" Karthik said making them confused.

"I don't think that happens like ever" Aarna looked at others who are just as confused as her.

"Why aren't we finding the other way to reach the place then?" Nandu asked.

"Because this is the only path to it" Prince laid on his back closing his eyes.

"Our vehicle is gone. We do not have food or water. I don't know what you guys are talking about. How do we even survive with just four horses in this desert?" Aarna hyperventilated.

"Sister be patient if our brother is calm that means he always has a plan B. So chill and lie down" Prince looked at the hot sun through his fingers.

Aarna looked at Agasthya who laid back like a dead body and couldn't even see his chest moving up and down making her confused but everyone seemed relaxed which made her seem stupid infront of them so she silently laid down closing her eyes.

"Aarna.....Aarna....wake up.." Nandu patted Aarna's hand jolting her up. She rubbed her eyes and looked around to see it's still dark and everyone looking at the sky making her follow their gaze.

"Where sun meets moon. Ofcourse! It's twilight" Aarna concluded chuckling.

"Everybody ride as fast as you can. Especially the two people on the horses" Agasthya ordered as he got onto the horse and helped Nandu up and hit the horse riding on the quicksand.

Everyone rode fast looking at the moon fading away as the sun started rising making them increase their speed. They heard sounds and turned their heads to see the sand moving and following them.

"Faster! The sand is turning back" Prince yelled as he rode even faster and finally reached the other end of the desert along with others.

PRINCE IN EXILEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن