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After driving for a few hours Raaha stopped the jeep near the lake as per the orders of Agasthya making everyone get out and stretch their bodies. Shatru and Mutu went into the forest opposite to the lake and bought some fruits and firewood.

Karthik helped Prince build the tents as Mutu created a bonfire for the cold with the wood he bought. Though they crossed the hot desert the temperature is too cold for them since there are so many trees. Everyone's busy with their own work while Agasthya stood before the lake looking into the water at the moon's reflection.

"This is your last task. Don't worry you'll be a great King" Nandu said as she stood beside Agasthya.

"I'm already a great King" Agasthya stated making her laugh.

"You are such a narcissist" Nandu teased shaking her head.

"I'll have to kill your father and aunt" Agasthya said leaving no place for objections.

"I know. That's the matter I've been avoiding from talking with you for the past few days" Nandu said.

"I want you to be strong and be prepared" Agasthya said as he walked towards the bonfire.

Raaha ate the fruits eagerly satiating her hunger and feeding Kali a few pieces too inbetween making Prince comment "Slow down chota packet you'll choke and die".

"Don't tell me you are actually concerned for me" Raaha commented.

"In your dreams" Prince rolled his eyes as he finished eating and walked to his tent followed by others who slept in their own tents.


Raaha was woken by Nandu and both of them walked out to see the moon still in the sky making Raaha ask "What's the time?"

"It's still 3:00 am" Mutu answered as Agasthya threw her an empty bag.

"Everyone put an extra pair of clothes. These are water proof. Don't loose them" Agasthya ordered pointing to the bags as he zipped his own backpack and walked towards the lake.

"Woah! Don't tell me we've to jump into that lake" Nandu said.

"We should because our third task lay there deep down in the depths of water" Karthik explained.

Raaha gulped "I don't know swimming. It's better I don't go with you. I'll just stall you guys".

"If you are here you'll be dead in Paiditalli's hands anyway. It's better to die with us than in his hands don't you think" Prince teased her making her glare at him.

Raaha sighed and tied a rope around her waist then walked to Prince and tied the other end of the rope around his waist making him ask "What are you doing girl?"

"If I'm going down I'll take you too. So better swim us to shore safely" Raaha sweetly said as she walked forward towards the lake where Agasthya already jumped making everyone laugh as Prince tagged along with Raaha.

Everyone took a deep breath and jumped into the lake following Agasthya who's a bit far away from them. Agasthya stopped at the rock formations and swam into the cave for a few minutes as Nandu fell behind making Raaha tug the rope which made Prince stop and turned around to see Raaha swimming towards Nandu.

The trio swam a little late into the cave and by time they surfaced up they were panting for breath coughing as Agasthya pulled the rope and extended his hand to Nandu who got out and fell on her knees.

"Next time you bring me on these adventures don't forget the oxygen cylinders" Nandu panted out.

"But it's worth it" Raaha wondered out making everyone follow her gaze at the temple inside the cave.

"Oh my god. It's so beautiful" Nandu said as she looked at the other world in the underwater cave as the moon shined from above like it's so near.

 It's so beautiful" Nandu said as she looked at the other world in the underwater cave as the moon shined from above like it's so near

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"How can we see the moon?" Karthik asked.

"It must be the water's reflection from the hole above" Agasthya replied.

"Everyone take a bath in the waterfall and be ready in fifteen minutes" ordering Agasthya walked towards the waterfall throwing his backpack on the ground.

"Bath? Has water gone into his brain?" Raaha asked.

"It's bramha muhurtham for next fifteen minutes. If you want to enter that temple you should be pure" Mutu explained as he walked in the direction of the waterfall along with the other guys.

Nandu and Raaha looked at each other and went to the waterfall standing under it expecting cold water but they were luke warm against their cold skin making them sigh. After a few minutes they both walked behind a rock while the guys walked far away from them to change.

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