"It's Ben?" Joanna questioned Minho.

"I thought he was out in the Maze?" He responded.

They watched as Ben jumped on Thomas. Luckily, Newt swung a shovel, whacking ben in the head and getting him off Thomas.

The boys held Ben down. Trying to ask him what he was thinking.

Alby had made it over just before Jo and Minho.

"Lift his shirt!" Alby ordered the boys.

"He's been stung. In the middle of the day?" Gally asked confused, looking at Alby and Newt.

Joanna pushed her way through the crowd to Ben.

They all looked at her. Ben looked at her with pleading eyes.

"No Joanna, please!" Ben pleaded quietly with her.
"Please, please, please. Listen to me."

They all looked at her, waiting for her signal.

"Get him up. Take him to the pit." She ordered before grabbing Thomas and pulling him away.


Alby joined them on the Hammock.

"He said he saw me and that this is all my fault. I mean, how can this be my fault?" Thomas asked them, confused.

Joanna and Alby shared a look. Joanna stood up and started to walk away.

"Get some rest." Alby stood up and started to follow her.

"Alby!" Thomas called after him. Alby turned to look at him. "What's going to happen to him?"


Everyone was in their positions ready. Thomas and Chuck watched from a far.

Joanna stood in the middle watching Minho practically drag Ben across the Glade, to the group standing by the doors.

"Please listen to me! Minho!" Ben pleaded as Minho cut his hand ties from behind his head.

Ben dropped down and started to throw up black blood. He stood up and Joanna threw a bag into the maze, past the doors.

"No, Joanna, please!" Ben whispered.

Joanna stood tall and looked towards Alby and nodded. She walked next to Newt and Minho as the Sirens blared and the gust of wind blew through the maze.

"Poles!" Ably shouted.


"I just don't understand." Gally whispered to Joanna as he started to cross Bens name off the wall.

Joanna looked at him and tilted her head down. She didn't understand either. No one ever gets stung in the middle of the day.

She rubbed Gally's shoulder and then walked towards Thomas and Chuck.

"You think he might make it?" Thomas asked

"Ben? No." Chuck responded. "We just gotta forget about him."

Joanna stood next to Thomas' side. She faced away from him and he stood up slowly making eye contact with her.

She gestured him to follow.

They walked through the woods slowly.

"How did you survive?" Thomas asked slowly.

Joanna stayed quiet for a long time before she spoke.
"I ran, got corned by a griever. And then I ran until I couldn't anymore. So I hid. I don't remember how, but I did. I managed to make it to the doors right before they opened. Then I passed out. I should be dead."

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