"I got you... so what exactly will you be doing while I'm across the street?" Jacobi asked.

"Semaj wants to go out and I'm inclined to go...." I said still thinking about it.

"Go out, have fun... you deserve a night out. Between work, school, and threesomes, you don't get to get out much...." Jacobi said smiling. "Go... enjoy your night out with your cousin and when you get back, I'll have a bubble bath going, some candles, maybe some rose petals... Who knows." Jacobi said.

"Fine... but now I'll be expecting all that and more when I get back." I said kissing him softly, Jacobi ran off to finish getting ready and when I turned around Semaj was looking at me with an annoyed look... I guess I was the one who was now glowing.......

After calling around it seemed like everyone was busy tonight so that just left me and Semaj on our own, which wasn't really that bad because I always had a good time with Semaj. Being in Atlanta, there was always something to do... even if you weren't a club person, you could always find a party if you knew the right people and I had a couple of coworkers who went to various colleges and knew where all the best parties were. After the first two parties, we went to being duds, we walked into the third party it was packed from wall to wall, smoke filled the air, and the smell of liquor was strong throughout. Semaj disappeared into the crowd while I went to find somewhere to stand away from all the dancing, once I found my spot I saw my boy Theo walking towards me.

"I really thought you were going to flake out on me...." Theo said hugging me, please don't look into it too much, Theo hugged everyone. "When are you coming back to work?" He asked pulling me through the crowd and to somewhere a little more quiet... though it wasn't much better over here.

"Probably Monday, I've been working my ass off and my dad demanded that I settle down and take a break before I burn myself off... I told him that I was trying to save money for college but in truth I don't think I'm going to college.... I have the grades but I don't have the patience." I said shrugging.

"I think you'd love college... the parties... the growth you go through..... I don't think you should write it off so quickly.... matter of fact, you should talk to my boy Centeio about it... Where is that nigga?" Theo said looking around. "That's your cousin right, he's dancing with my boy..." Theo said laughing as this dude tried putting his entire dick inside of Semaj, the only thing preventing that from happening were their clothes.

"He looks really familiar..." Theo said watching Semaj closely.

"He's come to pick me up a few times....." I said shrugging, Theo didn't respond but then again I think his attention was elsewhere as this dark-skinned girl walked over to him and started kissing him like she was trying to let him know what was on the agenda for the night. "That your girl?" I asked when she walked off.

"Nah, we just fuck occasionally.... lately I've been neglecting her and she's feenin for some dick... but like you I've been working like crazy. My other job keeps me busy." Theo said.

"Damn I didn't even know you had another job.... what is it that you do? I might be trying to pick up a second job for the summer." I said trying to keep my pockets and bank account full because I still had that thing with Jacobi that we were planning this summer. Before Theo could tell me a fight broke out and then gunshots echoed throughout the house, I didn't think, I broke through the crowd and found Semaj, pulling him out of the party...........

"This is why I don't go to house parties." Semaj said with an insane smile on his face, despite his words he looked like he enjoyed himself.

"The fact that you're smiling has me a little worried." I said looking at him. "Come on let's get back to the car before the police get here." I said trying to remember where we parked. I text Jacobi and he told me that him and Quran were still at Elezar's dinner (though it was wrapping up), and I didn't want to worry him so I didn't tell him about the party.

"Where the fuck did we park?" Semaj asked looking around.

"I'm pretty sure it was in this parking lot, I was about 99.7% sure because I remember when we pulled up there was a dude stroking his dick over there." I said pointing to a random building. That little memory triggered something in my mind. "Over there....." I said pointing to my car. As we walked to my car this dark-skinned dude walked towards us, his hood was up and I was instantly on guard.

"Ayy you got a light?" He asked, he was shifting around a little too much for my liking... he gave off this nervous energy and seemed unable to make direct eye contact. Semaj must've sensed it too because he stood ready.

My senses went into high alert as a group of about six dudes started walking towards us, they seemed disinterested in us as they talked loudly and laughed as the cut through the parking lot. I couldn't stop my Spidey Sense from tingling, the dude who asked for the lighter gave it away as he made eye contact with one of the dudes in the group. Everything after that happened so fast, Mr. Lighter TRIED to swing on Semaj but missed wildly and Semaj quickly pieced the dude up but suddenly the numbers weren't in our favor... even with Mr. Lighter snoozing on the ground it was still six versus two and while I knew my hands were dangerous there was only so much I could do.....

"They took your keys and phone... they got my phone and wallet." Semaj said with a massive knot on his head, his nose was bleeding and his shirt was ripped. I felt worse than he looked, I could feel the dried-up blood on my nose, mouth, chin, and neck. "Stole your car as well...." Semaj said, his normally green eyes were brownish-red.

"Did I get knocked out?" I asked slightly embarrassed because that would be the first time that had ever happened to me.

"Don't feel bad, one of them has some brass knuckles and punched you in the back of the head.... I tried to get to you but..... well I was dealing with my own situation." Semaj said shrugging. I really didn't like how calm he was being, that shyt was kinda scary. "Don't move so much..." Semaj said touching the back of my head and the slightest touch caused me to jump.

"So, no phones... no car.... no money... What are our options?" I asked and with the adrenaline slowly fading the pain was starting to set in and I definitely felt like I had been stomped out, my fuckin ribs hurt, my nose felt like it was the size of a bell pepper, and I was dizzy as fuck.

"We can go see if we can find your friend that invited us to the party... the other option is De'Vaugh's place... it's not too far from here though we run the risk of him not being there and honestly... I don't wanna run the risk of running into the police, it's going to be hard to explain all of this...." He said pointing to the blood.

"Yeah well.... looks like we're fucked but if I had to choose....." Before I could finish a car that was driving by stopped in the middle of the road, then they quickly hit a U-turn and drove into the parking lot.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!?!?" The dude asked I didn't know this nigga from Adam but Semaj seemed to know him, Semaj introduced the dude as Kilo, and a few minutes later we were in his car, Semaj was on the phone and I was trying my hardest to stay up. "And you didn't know any of them?" Kilo asked Semaj.

"I recognized one of them his name is Equannis...." Semaj said and that was literally the last thing I remembered before laying my head against the window and closing my eyes.........

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Is there ANY characters in this story that you want to get a short story in Anthology?

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