"Wow," I murmured. 

"I know! the weaver and the herdsman are symbolized through our stars." She continued as she laced our hands together. "No matter how far apart they were from each other, they always had a way back to one another." She smiled as she turned her gaze from the sky to me.

"How fitting" I smiled as I looked at her and she just giggled, "A story truly written in the stars." She said as she put her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head before leaning my cheek against her. The familiar smell of her lavender shampoo filled my sense as I stared at our stars. 

I've never been a believer in destiny, but who knows, maybe our story was written in the stars.

Eventually, I heard Y/n let out a breath before lifting her head. I turned toward her, and she smiled softly, "You hungry?" She asked.

"Always." I smiled as we started walking towards the door of the roof.

"That's perfect! I know this really pretty girl who flips some mean pancakes!" She beamed as she bumped my shoulder. 

"You're such a dork." I smiled and Y/n scrunched her nose as she let out a laugh. Her laugh, her perfect laugh. I guess I can add that to my list of probably a thousand things I'm going to miss.


We sat in a peaceful silence as we ate our pancakes. One could chalk our silence up to exhaustion of this whole situation but I knew that's not what it was. It was the inevitable goodbye that we were both avoiding.

I watched as Y/n bit the inside of her lip, almost as if she was debating on whether to talk or not. And instead of actually talking, I watched as she used her fork to distribute the remainder of her maple syrup all over her plate. I sighed, realizing I have to start this conversation. "Y/n." I said softly as I reached over to grab her hand. 

"Mhm." She hummed, never taking her eyes away from her plate.

"You leave in an hour," I murmured.

"I know." She said as she continued to move the syrup across her plate. I sighed as I reached over to take the plate away from her. She let out a small huff as I carried our plates to the sink before walking over to her. 

"C'mon," I said as I stuck my hand out and she reluctantly took it and stood up. I pulled us both over to the couch and she immediately cuddled up next to me as I wrapped my arms around her. I was thankful that everything she'd packed was picked up yesterday so she didn't have anything to worry about this morning. 

"So-" I started and I felt Y/n shake her head against my shoulder, "No, not yet." She murmured and I just nodded. 

I don't know how long we stayed, but Ivy and Sergio eventually made their way to the couch. Y/n giggled as Sergio pried his way in between us and Ivy walked all over our legs. "I'm gonna miss you guys." She cooed as she scratched both of their heads. I smiled as I watched her play with them for a little bit, but the countdown of time was still playing in the back of my mind.

"Y/n-" I started again before she cut me off.

"I should uh- go get dressed." She said as she promptly untangled herself from me and stood up to make her way upstairs. I sighed again as Ivy settled on my lap and showed me her big, sad green eyes that she definitely picked up from Y/n. "I know, I don't want her to go either," I murmured as scratched the back of her ear. 

After about ten minutes I decided to go upstairs and check on her. When I walked into the bedroom I saw Y/n pulling her hair up. She had changed into jean shorts and a white tank top. "You ready?" I asked as I took a seat on the bed and watched as she smoothed the bumps in her hair in front of the mirror.

Invisible String | Emily Prentiss x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now