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After a lengthy meeting with some members of the Japanese government, the Fleet Marshal shocked everyone watching, both in person and at home, by showing them how advanced the Federation was.

He revealed that humans can live a long life, by revealing that he himself was over 30,000 years old.

This came as a massive surprise since he told them that the Federation itself had only been around for 40,000 years.

He told of how multiple species had come together in the year 10,018 to create the Federation as it's known today.

He also revealed that his version of humanity can use magic and how humans were able to create amazing things with magic.

After several more hours of questions being asked and answered, this historic meeting was finally concluded.

It wouldn't be until a few weeks later that the JSDF would get word that the Federation had declared war on the Empire.

The JSDF were told to not interfere and to just take care of any refugees that come their way.

The Fleet Marshal had given the Empire one chance to surrender and release any slaves they had.

They refused.

In response the Galactic Federation attacked the capital directly the next day.

Fortunately for the Empire, the Galactic Federation decided to use conventional forces instead of orbital bombardments, which would have left no survivors.

Their superior weapons, equipment, and magic meant that the Federation was the victor of the battle.

Once word of the attack and the Empire's defeat spread, everyone was stunned.

In a matter of minutes the Empire was defeated and now a portion of the Special Region was under Federation control.

In the following years after the Federation took control, there was an everlasting peace in the region.

Roads, villages, and cities were safer than ever and bandits were no longer an issue.

Seeing Federation troops patrolling the streets and roads were now a welcomed sight.

The Federation also built schools to teach the people of the Special Region about technology and the Federation so that they could integrate into it with little problems.

The JSDF and Earth were also given a large portion of the raw materials found in the Special Region since the Federation had no need for it.

Thanks to this, the Federation and the governments of Earth had an alliance.

This alliance saw the Federation giving technology to Earth and teaching them how to use and create it.

Eventually, the humans of Earth decided to join the Federation as well, resulting in global peace for the first time in a long time.

GATE: Thus the Federation fought there.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang